Ethan Hawke will appear in Total Recall

Ethan Hawke is a fantastic actor. I like his performances a lot as he just has that right amount of “it” to make memorable performances with his characters. I guess Len Wiseman wants some of that “it” in his re-do Recall as it’s been announced that the Hawke man will make an appearance.

Source: Filmofilia

The Hawke’s character is being kept under wraps but it is known that Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel are in talks for the female roles – the former would step into Sharon Stone‘s shoes as the character of Lori and Biel as Melina, played by Rachel Ticotin in the original.

He’s playing the guy with the baby stomach. Sorry, that might not be true and I’m just speculating because his role is said to be minor and there are few substantial roles for him to fill with that stipulation. Who do you think he might play? I wonder…

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