Candyland writer compares script to Lord of the Rings

Posted by Rodneyon 25. 05. 2011in News Chat

Grasping at marketable franchises, Hollywood is about to see a wave of movies based on classic boardgames. Monopoly, Battleship, and even Candyland. While I have no issue at all with this cross marketing (these things have no story… so original scripts will be adjusted to fit these marketable brands) one of the writers for Candyland has made a statement suggesting that they are making the film to be on the same scope and depth as Lord of the Rings.

Worst Previews quotes Jonathan Aibel

“We envision it as ‘Lord of The Rings,’ but set in a world of candy,” he explained. “We don’t see it as a movie based on a board game, although it has characters from that world and takes the idea of people finding themselves in a world that happens to be made entirely of candy where there are huge battles going on. We are going for real comedy, real action, and real emotions at stake.”

I wonder after that heartfelt mission statement, did the interviewer from Entertainment Weekly respond with “I am sorry, I thought we were talking about Candyland… the board game??”

This just seems like far more depth that I would have expected from a movie attempting to market from a classic board game. And a goal that seems a little out of reach. Rather ambitious to compare your franchise to Lord of the Rings no matter what you are making… but this seems a bit much.

I can just see the scenes now:

YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!…. you will go back 3 spaces and miss a turn.

Yeah. Epic.

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Rodney who has written 8833 posts on The Movie Blog

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6 Responses to “Candyland writer compares script to Lord of the Rings”

  1. Xilpaxim says:

    I’m pretty sure this is the same spiel given to almost all horrible movies.

    “I envision Ernest Takes A Dump as an allegory for the working mans struggle with big government!”

  2. 420BAND says:

    Just dust off those set pieces from “Charlie and the Chocolatte factory”
    and your halfway there.

    Umpa Lumpas (or just that one dude) need not apply

  3. tzaylor says:

    Here’s another candyland quote from the third movie, Diabetes of the King:

    Gandalf: We do not come to eat treats with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this: the armies of Chocolate Swamp must disband. He is to depart these Candylands, never to return…..

  4. bernard says:

    So… what next! Risk movie?
    Having said that, somehow Risk the Movie is the more plausible one. It even passable to be war movie based from history than a boardgame adaptation.

  5. MadMax_007 says:

    Well if Disney can make epic movies with original characters, comedy, real action, and real emotions at stake just based on a themepark ride… well I wouldn’t doubt this guy trying to do the same thing with the candyland board-game.

    But I envision this movie to be more like Chronicles of Narnia than LotR. I mean epic battles in a world that’s completely made outta candy!?! Yea I see Gummi Bears duking it out against GingerBread Men…

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