Bradley Cooper might play Lucifer

Brad Cooper is a cool, fun loving guy that just oozes charisma and goodness but for some reason the folks making the Paradise Lost movie thinks he wants to lose that image and replace it with Lucifer. Seriously.

Source: Variety

After helping launch “The Hangover” franchise, Legendary Pictures wants back in business with Bradley Cooper, who’s in early talks to play Lucifer in an adaptation of John Milton’s epic 17th-century poem “Paradise Lost.”…
“Paradise Lost” tells the story of the epic war in heaven between archangels Michael and Lucifer, including the latter’s role in Adam and Eve’s fall from grace. Pic will be crafted as an action vehicle that will include aerial warfare, possibly shot in 3D.

He seems so laid back and carefree, in his movies, that I can’t imagine he has a vicious bone in his body. Seriously. First it was the Crow and now Lucifer? I won’t have it. Brad Cooper is the guy you want as your wingman at parties, not the devil himself. The Devil would instantly mesmerize and capitalize on any girl you’re interested in before you get started and Brad Cooper would just… wait a second…

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

6 thoughts on “Bradley Cooper might play Lucifer

  1. …actually he would mesmerize & steal & then banged any girls you met in the party, leaves you in the dust while they’re getting frizky in some cheap motels… that Lucifer written all over it :P

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