Zorro Beyond Thunderdome?

Posted by Hollywood Slinkyon 27. 04. 2011in News Chat

A reboot called “Zorro Reborn” is in the works at Fox that will put the swashbuckler in a post-apocalyptic world, says The LA Times.

A reboot titled “Zorro Reborn” is being developed at Fox that will remove the character from his historical California or Mexico setting.

Unlike many of the previous Zorros (real name: Don Diego de la Vega) brandishing whips and swords, the hero of the new installment will live in the future — specifically a desolate and post-apocalyptic one, according to a person familiar with the film who asked not to be identified. A Fox spokeswoman declined to comment.

In this version, Zorro will be less a caped crusader for justice than a one-man vigilante force bent on revenge, in a western story that has echoes of both Sergio Leone and “No Country for Old Men.”

I think this is just silly. If you remove everything that makes iconic Zorro “Zorro,” it isn’t really Zorro. It would be like making a Star Trek reboot, but putting Kirk on a Spanish Galleon in the 16th Century. For me, it just sounds like a bad joke. Maybe the idea of Zorro would make a great Mad Max film, but should it still be called, “Zorro?” Or would it be better served just renaming the character, as well?

This post was written by :

Hollywood Slinky who has written 57 posts on The Movie Blog

The Hollywood Slinky has lived in Los Angeles, Chicago and Chattanooga. The Slinky attended film school at Columbia College in Chicago, is one of the creators and host of the film-centered podcast Lights Camera Cleveland and is currently a public relations specialist for a multi-million dollar corporation. Mostly, though, he just loves movies.

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13 Responses to “Zorro Beyond Thunderdome?”

  1. Darren says:

    Since it has nothing to do with the previous two Zorro films, it isn’t really a reboot. It is only another take on the character itself.

    Not that it’s a great idea. It isn’t.

    • Bigsampson says:

      Ah cause Darren knows what a great idea is….

      Look Zorro would have never made any money as it was if they made a big budget movie. Least this way they can change the name and just make a really cool post A movie.

      • methos84 says:

        Bigsamson, I disagree with your statement.

        “The Mask of Zorro” starring Antonio Banderas didn’t stray too far from the original concept and ended up a financial and critical success. The sequel, though inferior, still made money. Zorro can still be a successful swashbuckler today with the right creative team behind it.

        This idea sounds fine, but not as a Zorro film.

    • Subtitler says:

      I agree, Darren.

  2. Mad_2_the_Max says:

    What a lame-ass idea. I would much rather watch a Mila Kunis/Book of Eli spinoff flick.

  3. Lucky says:

    This is like Batman Beyond kind of thing….

  4. Middleman says:

    I really like it. Try something different.

  5. ulfsark says:

    *facepalm* If they want to reboot something, why not reboot Mad Max? Just so long as it doesn’t turn into a storyless, mindless action-fest like Clash of the Titans.

    • Mad_2_the_Max says:

      and I wouldn’t wanna have it any other way dude. Bring on Wrath of the Titans!!!

    • 420BAND says:

      That movie was so shoddy it made the original look like Lord of the Rings! (Clash)

      • Mad_2_the_Max says:

        You mean the original Clash, which has shitty 80′s claymation effects, was long-winded and boring as hell like LOTR? I don’t care what anyone says, Clash Remake is a badass, balls-to-the-wall, sword n sorcery movie!

  6. 420BAND says:

    No thanks I’ll take my Don Diego de la Vega stories on film in the traditional manner.

    The last two were fun.

    This sounds stupid!

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