Thor 2 News To Branaugh

Posted by on 28. 04. 2011in News Chat

Not that it’s a huge shock of Asgardian lightning or anything, but Marvel does indeed have plans for Thor 2- but that IS news to the first film’s director, Kenneth Branagh. Movieline gives the details:

Despite neither adaptation having yet reached multiplexes, last week’s revelation by Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige that both Thor and Captain America would receive sequels came as a surprise to no one. But when brought to Thor director Kenneth Branagh’s attention today by Movieline, the disclosure did cause a start. “Do you know, if that is true, that is literally the first I’ve heard of it?” Branagh said. “You are telling me news… Here’s what I would say to that: It’s that I’m thrilled they’re that confident. I shall wait for the audience to tell us whether there should be a second one, and then if that’s a nice conversation to be had between all of us, that’d be thrilling. But I’ve got too much Irish superstitious blood in me to assume that Thor 2 will happen. But if Marvel says so, then I guess it must be true.”

We’ll also have to see how next year’s Avengers film does as well. But I kind of wonder who or what could happen in Thor 2. We know the Cap’n America sequel is being in early drafts- but nobody seems to be writing Thor 2 just yet. It’s also tough to say if there is a Thor 2 that Branaugh would be returning to direct.

All I know is, if there is a Thor 2, I would like to see Beta Ray Bill.
What or who would you like to see in Thor 2?

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14 Responses to “Thor 2 News To Branaugh”

  1. Andy D says:

    Hollywood could use more Kenneth Branagh’s. Honesty and humility seem to be so rare these days.

  2. 420band says:

    2 Words(1 Name actually) to this assumtion: Jon Favreau

  3. Ian Fay says:

    I just realised Thor still isn’t out over in North America yet. Its honestly fantastic and I’d love to see the sequel.
    Not including The Dark Knight, Thor was my favourite Superhero movie for quite a few years.

    I feel that as long as its marketed right over there, it will do brilliantly.

    And for anyone who was AT ALL hesitant about going to see it, slap yourself. ITS AWESOME!

  4. Kierra says:

    I think they should have a sequel to THOR. Its a great movie, and i think its fans (like myself) would love to see more Thor!!

    • thor rocks says:

      I agree with everyone there should be a Thor 2 this movie is amazing.Thor and Jane should be reunited and how cool would it be if loki came back.


      if there isnt i’ll die

  5. Taylor says:

    I think that there should be a Thor 2 because it was the best movie ever!

    And I would like to see some more of Chris Hemsworth :)

  6. jennfier says:

    It was a great movie. My husband and I saw it when it first released here in the states and after seeing it agreed that it was def a movie that our kids could enjoy and we took the 3 of them to see it in the theaters too. I would love to see Thor 2

  7. Dee says:

    i don’t know what i want to see but i do want the bridged to get fix and i do want to see Thor come back for Jane. everything in the middle you guys can come up with i really don’t have any ideas for thor 2. but i’ll think about it and let you know.

  8. Thor 2 Please says:

    I would defiantly like to see a sequel! Thor has to be reunited with the human, and we have to find out what challenges he will face as a KING! This movie was amazingggg. Sequel please!!

  9. Spanish Latin says:

    Kenneth SHOULD have done the ORIGIN. I was extremely disappointed. There was only TWO mentions of Donald Blake…do your homework kiddies !!

    • Rodney says:

      You should do yours.

      Donald Blake was mentioned for two reasons.

      First, it was a fan nod that only the comic book fans would get. A little wink “cameo” reference that doesn’t hurt the movie but has fun with the fans. An inside joke if you will.

      Second, to indicate that they were NOT going to go the way the comics presented Thor. He would not have a secret identity in the movie version.

      No comic book adaptation to movies has been frame by frame perfect representation of the comic it is based on (though Watchmen came damned close). These are NOT the comics, they are movie versions BASED on the comics.

      They have to be different, and do their own thing to work on screen. NO ONE wanted to see Thor hiding in the secret identity of a crippled man. There is no big screen appeal of him as that character.

      And they did do an origin story. What they did show of his history laid out everything you needed to know and STILL have a good action movie about who he is NOW.

  10. Luigi says:

    It would be fantastic if it will be Mangog in Thor 2

  11. MAYRA says:


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