Skynet Becomes Self Aware

Posted by Rodneyon 19. 04. 2011in News Chat

Despite the Terminator films clearly indicating Skynet may have first become self aware August 29, 1997, it was on TV’s Sarah Connor Chronicles that said the events of the resistance put off but didnt not stop Skynet from being virtually born.

According to the TV show (that is not “canon” but still fun), it then determined that upon this day April 19th, 2011 at 8:11pm that Skynet was born - became self aware.

Today Twitter and Facebook dominate our social lives, so it is only appropriate that this would be the method of choice for delivering pledges of loyalty to our inevitable Cyborg Rulers.

Bow frail humans. Skynet is about to be born.

This post was written by :

Rodney who has written 8781 posts on The Movie Blog

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7 Responses to “Skynet Becomes Self Aware”

  1. Walker says:


  2. arihmann says:

    heheh.. nice one Rodney.. i guess that when Skynet becomes self aware, it will just needs to look in facebook for 5 miliseconds to wish to auto-destruct…

    • Rodney says:

      It will be all the information it needs to make the decision to nuke the pants off of the human race!

      Want to know the true darkness that lies in the heart of man?

      Observe what he does anonymously.

  3. JungHo says:

    I don’t know the show was alright Summer Glau made it good

  4. bernard says:

    I’m waiting…. i’m waiting….i’m waiting….
    hmmm, well time to get up & pre-order a copy of Duke Nukem now :)

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