New Pirates of the Caribbean featurette

Posted by Anthonyon 26. 04. 2011in News Chat

I have to give props to Disney as they’ve seemingly have been making a very very strong effort to promote this new Pirates of the Caribbean movie after a lot of fans were disappointed with the last 2 films. Today I discovered this featurette online giving us a closer look at what we can expect from this new film in the franchise.

Via: Filmonic

You know what? I think I’m going to give them a shot with this movie. I’ve been quietly apprehensive about the whole thing because I hated the last 2 movies. I didn’t think they were as terrible as most others did but I just felt they lost what I enjoyed so much in the first movie with their insistence on forcing so much Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly on the viewers, not to mention their silly overarching love triangle plot that I thought was wearing thin by the end of the first movie. This movie ditches Keira and Orlando and looks to add some genuine twists with Geoff Rush’s Barbossa switching sides in what will undoubtedly some comical moments in service of the Queen.

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Anthony who has written 259 posts on The Movie Blog

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3 Responses to “New Pirates of the Caribbean featurette”

  1. Tris says:

    OMG! Thanks for posting the featurette! This looks so good. I loved all the other films and it’s not often that I’ll entertain a sequel (remember Police Academy), but these are well worth keeping up with.

    Johnny Depp is a fine actor and very laid back in his approach. I love his portail of Jack Sparrow, makes me laugh everytime.

    Really can’t wait for this film to come out and hope they do more!

  2. Petar says:

    Jack Sparrow rox, ofc with his bottle rum ;)

  3. 420band says:

    Looking forward to this one actually, the last one not so much.
    Penelope seems to not only be picking up the slack but also having fun.

    we’ll see

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