Mortal Kombat: Legacy Episode 3

Posted by on 26. 04. 2011in News Chat

The pace takes a shift in this weeks installment of Mortal Kombat Legacy as we delve into the world of flashing lights and cameras in order to finally meet the great Johnny Cage.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Johnny ‘Mutha Flood Puckin’ Cage is the MAN. I love this character and have been looking forward to his debut since this whole thing was announced. I was more than a bit surprised to find that the language was censored in this one and is hopefully something that wont be a recurrence.

I liked the fighting a lot more in this weeks installment and think the choreography and editing of the fights seems to improve each week. I really like the time they’re investing into the back story for each of the characters and I’m really looking forward to what happens next week as 10 mins just doesn’t ever truly satisfy.

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9 Responses to “Mortal Kombat: Legacy Episode 3”

  1. eddie says:

    WWho was that at the end

  2. Ross F says:

    Why is this one censored? the other episodes weren’t censored were they?

  3. Roman says:


  4. chrris says:

    best one yet

  5. Chit_LaMarde says:

    lol johnny cage was a power ranger lol

    thats funny

  6. Enoid says:

    Never get tired of the “Splits to Nutpunch” move :D

  7. greg says:

    Didn’t really liked it that much. And the music was crap. Stupid rap or hip hop. Hopefully next one will be really hot.

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