Marvel introduces Little Thor

Posted by Anthonyon 22. 04. 2011in News Chat

Remember that Volkswagen Superbowl commercial that featured a mini Darth Vader trying to muster up the powers of the dark side of the force? Remember all the parodies that populated Youtube shortly thereafter? Marvel just got in on the action too…

Via: Cinemablend

I loved it. I loved the Easter egg on the license plate and I loved the payoff at the end. You can click here to check out the original for comparison sake.

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Anthony who has written 248 posts on The Movie Blog

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5 Responses to “Marvel introduces Little Thor”

  1. Michael V Banno says:

    Epic Win. Neat little parody there. That definitely got the Thor juices flowing :P

  2. cloud720 says:

    Dog named Loki, Stark on coffee mug, and license plate as mentioned. I wonder if i missed anything.

  3. vargas says:

    That’s cute. :)

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