Watch the Green Lantern Wondercon clip

Posted by Anthonyon 02. 04. 2011in News Chat

It’s been a very long time since we’ve seen any footage coming from the Green Lantern camp with the only tidbits in recent memory announcing casting choices. Today we finally get a new look at Green Lantern.

Source: Geek Tyrant

Wow. I’m really glad they decided to take more time to polish the effects before showing any more goods. There’s a few things that stand out to me in the trailer that are done really well, while some elements still show room for improvement. I really enjoyed seeing the corps together as it definitely does a good job of introducing the audience to the fact that Hal Jordan is part of a much larger team that is considered a police force. I think the trailer does a lot to win back those who may have been dissuaded by GL’s first trailer and it has managed to wedge itself somewhere between Thor and Captain America on my ‘radar’ where it belonged all along.

I just want to add that hearing that oath just tickles all the right nerd endings.

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Anthony who has written 179 posts on The Movie Blog

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15 Responses to “Watch the Green Lantern Wondercon clip”

  1. Garrett says:


  2. giantguy1321 says:

    I just got that tingle!

    What I love about modern comic book movies is that they have the ability to make otherwise cringe worthy moments feel cool. Imagine the Green lantern pledge scene done in the early 90′s. Now look at the scene in this sequence and tell me that wasn’t stand with your hand on your heart cool.

    I love that super-hero movies (like this) can now be made properly, with solid effects and oscar winning actors. We need no longer say to ourselves “I’m watching a guy running around in a rubber suit” and feel weird. Looks epic (IMHO) and this is so much better than the first trailer.

    I have hope at last!!

  3. knossis says:

    These scenes look good. They seem to be focusing more on the other worldly parts because the parts on Earth in the earlier trailer seemed weak. If they improved the weaker parts then we have another winner for the summer. No matter what happens at the box office, this will be a great year for us comic book geeks in terms of movies. Four movies in one summer. If the world ends in 2012 at least it will have ended on a good note.

  4. HDpunk says:

    WOW that looked awesome LOL

    but i still think that mask looks bad/weird, it probably should have been black & because its cgi, it makes his eyes look weird.. but im pretty excited for this now

  5. Ross F says:

    ok, NOW I actually want to see this movie.

  6. lee says:

    Now that’s a summer movie i want to see, it has grand scale that a blockbuster should have.

  7. vargas says:

    This looks good. When comic book movies are done right, they can be the best movies out there. Period.

  8. Kevin C says:

    This trailer/scenes really gives that epic “space opera” feel. I think this film is going for a tough blend of dark drama and humor, and I think they might pull it off. Parallax looks awesome too.

  9. Jeff says:

    It was good. Anthony, let me ask this. Right now where would you rank the four main comic book movies this summer? For me I would say 1a)Captain America, 1b)Xmen First Class and then 2a)Green Lantern, 2b) Thor. At this point for me there isn’t a clear cut favorite.

  10. Roman says:

    I watched this in 1080p and the costume graphics look so fake to me on Hal. The alien graphics are great but I still haven’t seen a believable CG capture of a person. On the wide shots it is a total CG Ryan Reynolds and on the close ups it is his head slapped on. Everything else looks epic and large scale this nit picky part bothers me though.

  11. Dirk Anger says:

    I had Thor at the top of my list for the summer comic book movies coming out but this definitely just jumped to the top of that list. As a die hard Green Lantern fan I admit that even I was a bit dissapointed with the first trailer that they put out but this footage has totally redeemed that and then some. We are the Corps baby.

    • knossis says:

      I like the trailer but I’m with holding judgement until we see more earth scenes involving Blake Lively. Those were the moments that sucked in the first trailer. WB made a point not to include any of those scenes in this trailer. They hope to reassure us with these scenes which are great. They also need to work on the CGI some scenes look great and some scenes look so so.

  12. Kimball says:

    I’m liking it. I’m a huge Ryan Reynolds fan, and he has some great moments even in this trailer. Effects are okay-maybe it’s just watching it over a laptop that makes it seem a little grainy. I’m sure it will blow me away on a big screen. I will say that the mask looks a little campy. But what are you going to do-it’s Green Lantern.

  13. Lawrence says:

    WOW…PHENOMENAL… AMAZING… SPELLBINDING…. The movie of the year…. I’ll see this on the first day…

  14. Los Americanos says:

    That looks way better than Captain America IMO.

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