Green Lantern TV spot features Parallax

Posted by Anthonyon 22. 04. 2011in News Chat

Now that some of us on the net have begun to show better signs of enthusiasm regarding the upcoming Green Lantern movie, the fine folks at Warner Brothers have been making an effort to capitalize on the revitalized emerald wave of confidence by further showcasing new footage in the form of some TV spots. Let’s watch.

Via: Live for films

I actually like how they’re representing the fear entity in this. I like it a lot actually as I think they really captured the look and scale of the character. I’m really starting to like a lot of what I’m seeing and I can actually notice the improvements in some of the re-used shots from the original trailer that failed to build up hype. A lot of improvement in the CGI, a lot more shots of Oa, and a more action oriented trailer/spot has done wonders for my anticipation for this movie. Now, when are we gonna see the guardians in motion? Is that the one reveal they’re going to actually save for theaters?

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Anthony who has written 248 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Green Lantern TV spot features Parallax”

  1. Lawrence says:

    Will Ganthet show up in this film?

    • Anthony says:

      There’s concept art for the guardians linked right in this post. I’m guessing the one in the middle might be Ganthet.

      • Lawrence says:

        I saw that concept art pic featuring the Guardians. I didn’t like it. These “grown” Guardians won’t probably sit well with the GL fanboys. I prefer the midget-sized Guardians , just like in the comics. Who will voice Ganthet by the way?

  2. 420BAND says:

    Sorry man, The more I see the more I wanna stay away.

    just something very off/campy in spurts/and kinda laughable actually.

    again, I hope I’m dead wrong.

  3. cloud720 says:

    I forgot Tim Robbins was in this.

  4. Schulzy says:

    So who’s the dude with the glowing yellow eyes? Are they pulling a double villain in this one?

  5. Kevin C says:

    I wonder if the origins of Parallax will be explored or will it be a couple of throw away lines that explain it.

    I hope the film opens with Parallax being born of the fear in some prehistoric creature in a distant galaxy…

  6. Jonathan says:

    Soooooo filthy

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