Director Al Pyun Wants To Remake His Own Cyborg - With Klyn, Not Van Damme

Posted by Darrenon 27. 04. 2011in News Chat

Before this generation had its Uwe Boll, we had in the 80s and 90s a director named Al Pyun. Once in awhile he’d give out a guilty pleasure, like his debut Sword and The Sorcerer, or the sci-fi wastelands of Radioactive Dreams or Nemesis. Speaking of which, another sci-fi wasteland like film of his, 1989′s Cyborg, which starred Jean Claude Van Damme may be getting a remake.

Who wants to remake it? He does!
First Showing gives us this:

Apparently Pyun thinks the story is ripe for a remake and already has the film’s original actors Vince Klyn (who played the villain) and Terrie Batson (the love interest) involved in some capacity. In addition, Michael Pare (The Lincoln Lawyer), Sasha Mitchell (“Step by Step”), and Olivier Gruner are all in talks to take on the roles of Slingers, some kind of mercenaries. And if that wasn’t enough, Pyun also hopes to get Rutger Hauer and Michael Dudikoff involved too.

The 1989 film had Van Damme as a merc escorting a female cyborg across a (what else?) a nuclear wasteland. On the way, he runs into a gang of psychos (led by Klyn) who killed his family and who want to destroy the cyborg who holds a key to help save the world plague.

The cast Pyun proposes is interesting, since, other than the possible two cameos of Klyn and Batson, three of them have all been in one of his other post-apocalypse sci-fi DTV pix. Oliver Gruiner from Nemesis (which Klyn also appeared as a henchman for Debbie Shelton), ‘American Ninja’ Dudikoff (Radioactive Dreams) and Hauer (Omega Doom).

I am skeptical about this, but since MGM holds video rights, I wonder if something can’t be worked out where the remake goes DTV under the MGM banner. Could work out nicely.

Am I eager to see this remade? No. Still, Klyn was a bad ass in the pic, and nearly stole the whole thing from Van Damme. How bout it Int’l friends? I know you folks frown on remakes, but what if the director from almost 20 years ago wants to wipe the slate clean and try it again?

In the meantime, take a look at the first one if you dare…

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Darren who has written 124 posts on The Movie Blog

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One Response to “Director Al Pyun Wants To Remake His Own Cyborg - With Klyn, Not Van Damme”

  1. 420BAND says:

    I still have a fond memory of Sword and The Sorcerer.
    probally cause I never re-visited it. that triple blade sword was BAD ASS!

    Cyborg was a horribly edited mess.

    ha ha is all I can say

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