Crow Remake Back On

Posted by Darrenon 08. 04. 2011in News Chat

The Crow remake has found a director…again. This time it is Juan Carlos Fresnadillo of 28 Weeks Later who is taking on the project.Digital Spy gives us the update on the Boy With His Bird:

The project was originally to be directed by Blade helmer Stephen Norrington, who abruptly pulled out of the venture.

Producer Edward R. Pressman said: “The original Crow was groundbreaking cinema. Its gothic visual and musical ideas influenced a generation and cinema itself. With Juan Carlos, we have every confidence that his new Crow will have a similar impact on the contemporary audience.”

I for one would not mind a Crow remake- but ONLY if the intent was to be closer to the James O’Barr graphic novel than the first film was (carjacking opposed to home invasion; Draven not being a rock and roller etc.) but the problem is the first film also had Brandon Lee in it, which helped the film gain its cult status. Not just to his great performance, but, of course, the concept of the character overlaying his last film.

Norrington had considered taking out the supernatural element out of The Crow- which is a tough and dumb idea because once you do, there is nothing special about the character. Not to mention that it becomes just another revenge picture.

The last two Crow films went right to video. With so many other comic book/graphic novel characters filling our screens, is there room for The Crow anymore? Again, I would love a new film, but…I’m a skeptic.

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Darren who has written 112 posts on The Movie Blog

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3 Responses to “Crow Remake Back On”

  1. 420BAND says:

    Loved the 1st due to (as you mentioned)Brandon Lee’s involvment.
    It was Goth infused with Comic visuals.
    Thing is, It doesn’t really hold up (part 1) as good as I want to think it does. It was on the other day and I couldn’t watch it through like I did (what?) 15 yrs ago.

    Not jumping up and down for this one.
    especially since all the sequels were shitty.

  2. David Lopan says:

    If Nick Cave is still slated to write the screenplay then I’m all for it. Plus Fresnadillo is an amazing director. 28 Weeks was good…but everyone should check out Intacto, it’s outstanding!

  3. Scott says:

    One of my fav films, still a worth while watch. Would welcome a return to the crow. Never knew the comic book at all, so can’t say how close it should be to the original source.

    Don’t see what difference it would make if its a car-jacking or something else to be honest.

    The supernatural element must be kept, it’s the whole premise to the story for me. But who would play Draven? Maybe someone left-field like Luke Goss, who was fairly good in blade???

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