X-Men’s First Class Russian Trailer

Posted by on 15. 03. 2011in News Chat

This new trailer popped up on Filmonic earlier today and seems to give us more footage than the domestic trailer that we previously watched, including a shot of Banshee letting loose with his Sonic Scream, Best getting furry, and More Bad Ass Fassbender bending metal. Oh, and the spoken dialogue is completely in Russian.

Source: Filmonic

This certainly had a lot more footage than the domestic trailer and I think I actually liked this one more as it gave a more intimate look at Mageneto’s origins as well as a few other mutates showing off previously unseen capabilities. I don’t know what else they could possibly do to further elevate this one on my radar as I’m already looking for places to pre-order tickets.

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4 Responses to “X-Men’s First Class Russian Trailer”

  1. Royal says:

    My Russian is rusty, but I think the text in the trailer translates to: #Winning! I hope the sense of gravity conveyed in the trailer flows throughout the entire movie. I’m ready for a “superhero” movie that takes itself seriously.

  2. Roman says:

    russian makes everything seem more dire and depressing.

  3. knossis says:

    I didn’t understand anything that was said but didn’t need to, the images alone carried the weight of the film. I think Fox may get it right this time.

  4. Dogbone says:

    It had the gravity and seriousness that an emerging mutant situation should show.
    The music enhanced the visuals storytelling very well, and it felt like a much more complete story.
    Can’t wait! :P

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