Warren Beatty Gets ‘Tracy’ Rights Back- What Does it Mean and Should We Care?

Posted by on 26. 03. 2011in News Chat

There was some nice ambition for 1990′s ‘Dick Tracy’ film, which Warren Beatty directed and starred in. But despite great production design and makeup effects, the film was a modest success. In any case, any plans for a sequel never happened- and Tribune wanted the film rights back from Beatty, but Beatty held onto them. Beatty did, however revisit the Tracy character in a cable special that celebrated the Dick Tracy serials. That may have been his ace in the hole, according to The LA Times:

The legal fight between actor Warren Beatty and Tribune Co. over the film and television rights to comic-strip detective Dick Tracy has been resolved.

Beatty filed suit in 2008 against the company, claiming that he’d done everything, including creating a television special with critic Leonard Maltin, to retain the rights to the character. Tribune countered that Beatty did not satisfy contractual obligations. Now the matter’s been settled in U.S. District Court, with Judge Dean Pregerson ruling in favor of the “Bulworth” star.

The matter has been going on and off ever since Beatty made the 1990 film. It was one of the reasons why a sequel never happened. [and all this time I thought it was because they killed off nearly all of the rogue's gallery including Flattop, and in spite of ambition, it was a dull film that was overhyped but what do I know?] But now speculation has arose. Wih the film rights now fully back in Beatty’s hands, will we see a sequel, reboot/remake or what, exactly? If there is a new Tracy film, it won’t be under Disney- who did not want a sequel to the 1990 film. There is also talk of a ‘director’s cut’ of the 1990 film for DVD/Blu Ray.

And I take the news all in, suck it up and say…I did like the look of the 1990 film. I did like the rogue’s gallery -especially William Forsythe’s Flattop and Henry Silva’s Influence. Dick Tracy had the essence of the characters, nice to look at, but it never worked for me. I think a new version could work…but I’m not really on board with it.

Are you?

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"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

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10 Responses to “Warren Beatty Gets ‘Tracy’ Rights Back- What Does it Mean and Should We Care?”

  1. 420BAND says:

    I think the problem this faces is kinda the same w/ the upcoming “Tin Tin” movie in that both properties are so old that the demographic they are shooting for dont know who these people are, probally dont care anyways, or fly over their heads.

    I liked Dick Tracy for what it was, a post-(1989)Batman film that had catchy visuals, solid rouge’s, and a super-hot Madonna.

    it aged pretty well also.
    I’d follow this if the casting is as solid as the first. (Al Pachino was hilarious)

  2. giantguy1321 says:

    I agree with you Darren. The design of the movie was great and the make-up effects were superb. However the story just didn’t work and seemed a little obvious. I always felf that Dick Tracy could do with the Sin city threatmant. A darker, more violent tone, but keeping the great make-up and comic book style setting. Then after seeing The Spirit I wondered if the living comic idea could ever work successfully again. I still think it would be cool to see though.

    Who would play Tracy though or even Flattop come to think of it???? What do you think on possible actors and/or is the whole Sin city style thing dead in the water???

    • Darren says:

      Me? I think if Beatty was back that he should only produce or direct. If he acts, it should be another character other than Tracy. If a sequel/redo is made, makeup can cover a lot of ground. I also agre that a Spirit/Sin City VR background (wih pastels and art deco bg) would be in order.

      Oh, and Jon Hamm is the first name in my brain.

  3. fullmetal_medji says:

    This is sad, but I had no idea who Dick Tracy was until I read this post.

  4. Chit_LaMarde says:

    I loved the the first movie had all the action figures they went perfect with my ninja turtles figures too.

    I think they should make a new one and make sin city/300 style that would be awsome.

  5. Ram says:

    I remember watching this movie at the drive in when I waz a kid, ya the visual effects were awesome, but god damn that movie was boring. I remember turning round watching the other movie across the way with no sound :/

  6. Wendell Ottley says:

    It seems like I’m one of the few who actually liked “Dick Tracy.” To me, it’s one of the more underrated comic movies. Like most have said, the visuals were fantastic. I also find it ironic many of you are calling for this to use a style similar to “Sin City” for a remake when “DT” help blaze the way for “Sin City’s” straight from the pages look.

    • Danny says:

      I also find it ironic many of you are calling for this to use a style similar to “Sin City” for a remake when “DT” help blaze the way for “Sin City’s” straight from the pages look.
      That’s just what I was thinking.

      If someone wants to do a new Dick Tracy movie today I would opt for a remake and not bother trying to connect it to the 1990 film. Don’t get me wrong I liked the 1990 film but I think it needs to just be left alone (like how Tim Burton’s 1989 “Batman” was great but Nolan chose to not try to connect his recent films to that one).

      Oh, and Jon Hamm is the first name in my brain.
      Nice pick. You could probably cast a lot of people from Mad Men right into a Dick Tracy movie.

      • giantguy1321 says:

        I don’t care what the hell they do. Just as long as they leave that damn annoying KID out. “When do we eat”, “When do we eat”, “When do we eat”? Ahhhh!!!!!!

  7. David Lopan says:

    Beatty is a fantastic director. REDS is one of my all time favorite films. I really hope he revisits and showcases some of his talents again as a director. I loved the original Dick Tracy too but I definitely would be on board if he wanted to start all over again with a new title character. Mads Mikkelson for Big Boy Caprice!! and say…Jon Hamm as Dick Tracy? Fuck yea!!

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