Viggo Mortensen will NOT be General Zod

Posted by on 22. 03. 2011in News Chat

Looks like Superman is taking its first casualty. While Viggo Mortensen was lined up to play Snyder’s version of General Zod, it seems he has backed out of that arrangement because of filming schedules.

Moviefone says:

They’re still in the midst of heavy pre-production, and they hope to get the cameras rolling by late summer. Viggo Mortensen, who had been tapped to play the villainous General Zod, will not be combating the Man of Steel because he’ll be too busy romancing Kristen Stewart in ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’.

Now that is a shame. I was really looking forward to seeing Viggo in this role giving it a fresh feel.

The problem with re-introducing Zod is that the character is SO popculture in the Superman fandom that you either are just copying the Superman II performance or you have to go an entirely different way.

I vote for different.

Who could you see as Zod knowing Snyder isn’t doing Terence Stamp’s Zod. However I still hope there is a “Kneel before Zod” moment, just for geeky giggles.

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15 Responses to “Viggo Mortensen will NOT be General Zod”

  1. Roman says:

    Jeremy Irons should play Zod he is my go to bad guy (besides Billy Drago).

  2. 420BAND says:

    Jeremy is a good choice (but aint he like 70 yrs old by now)
    Im gonna step out on a silly limb here and say: Danny Trejo!
    neal before Machete!

    • 420BAND says:

      seriously though this Blows chunks.
      I still stand by my belief that the Zod from the picture above is a dead ringer (taller) for Hector Elizondo!

      Viva Zod!

  3. Anthony says:

    Liam Neeson? Mickey Rourke? Hell, Nic Cage if you wanna be ballsy.

  4. Jonny M. says:

    Shot in the dark here, but how about either Hugo Weaving or Jackie Earle Haley?

    • isaiah says:

      I was thinking Hugo Weaving as well, but I think he would make a better Brainiac, if you can picture it

  5. J Cribbs says:

    Liam Neeson would definitely make a great Zod, but since he was also Ras Al Ghul they may try to avoid using the actor.

    I can’t imagine filling the Zod role to be too difficult. Just get a middle-aged guy in good physical shape. British accent optional.

  6. Kevin C says:

    What about Gerard Butler? He has the build of a Superman nemesis and has ties to Zack Snyder…

    • art says:

      No, because it is impossible for him to hide his thick Scootish accent. Ha ha! I’ll be laughing the whole time!!

      • 420BAND says:

        I didn’t really dig his last 2 efforts. (one hit wonder?)
        instant mental typecasting for me I guess. He even sounded Scottish in a viking role.
        and dont get me started w/ Bounty hunter and it’s unfunny lifeless self.

  7. cloud720 says:

    Jude law.

  8. Kevin says:

    i second Jude Law for Zod

  9. maik says:

    Jude Law?? no way people.

    Hugo Weaving can be a perfect Terence Stamp copy if they can’t find somebody good to give us a new Zod

    • Rodney says:

      Who says they are trying to COPY Stamp’s Zod?

      I would rather see a fresh new take on the character than see someone playing Stamp playing Zod.

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