Universal wants to give you more DOOM

Posted by on 13. 03. 2011in News Chat

Right now it’s only a rumor- but Universal could be considering restarting DOOM.
Escapist gives us this dire warning:

There are rumors that Universal, the studio that owns the movie rights to the Doom games, is planning a big screen reboot, barely six years after the original movie came out. The 2005 movie starred Karl Urban and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as part of a futuristic military team sent to investigate a distress call from a Martian outpost.

And that 2005 film flopped hard. One bit that everyone but me seemed to geek over is that idiot’s idea of having a first person shooter POV scene late in the film. Doom (the film) I thought had a lot going for it as some creature feature designs go but they were too few and I wonder where all the budget went. The film overall was a crapfest.

Today I stumbled on this news. Now, if it was a DTV effort maybe…they could get away with it. But a PG-13 Doom? Big budget? On a game that - well let’s just say it may have paved road for many a game, but it is past its prime. I don’t think the studio is that serious- but you never know.

Anyone want a DOOM redo?

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"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

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5 Responses to “Universal wants to give you more DOOM”

  1. Yo man Bro man says:

    Hello mah baby, hello mah darling, hello mah ragtime gal! More Doom!

  2. Peter says:

    Screw Doom!
    I want DUKE NUKEM, with Schwarzenegger playing the lead and Sam Raimi directing.

  3. MichoPower says:

    I would love to see a reboot but more along the lines of Doom 3! The original Doom books were just too out there for a movie but I think the story and monsters from Doom 3 would be amazing. The 2005 movie was a massive sh!tfest…I was excited to see the Cyberdemon and what did they do instead; a retarded fight scene with the Rock and K. Urban jacked up on demon steroids.

  4. Anthony says:

    I don’t need anymore Doom, I’ll hold out for Half-Life 2 movie… just like I’m holding out for Episode 3… UGH.

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