Tron and Tron Legacy Collection will feature Disney Second Screen

Tron Legacy will be debuting on multiple formats, and with its release will be the first time we can get the Original Tron on Bluray in the 2 Movie Collection set.

The collectors set that might be setting a record for contained formats of a pair of movies will also have some cool bonus features. A dual screen option will be available allowing a sync experience as the film plays unobstructed on your screen while a secondary device like an iPad or Laptop plays behind the scenes commentary and special features.

According to the press release:

Disney Second Screen transforms the movie watching experience by allowing viewers to explore the story behind the film perfectly synched on a second device, like an iPad™ or laptop, without interrupting their enjoyment of the movie.

By simply accessing the Disney Second Screen companion application on their Internet-connected device, consumers are able to dive deeper into the film by engaging with elements including 360-degree vehicle turnarounds, interactive progression reels, and more. Disney Second Screen directions and access codes can be found inside the Blu-ray Disc packaging. Audio synching is powered by TVPLUS.

I find this a very interesting addition to the already littered-with-options collectors set that includes The Original Tron on DVD and Bluray and Digital Copy, Tron Legacy in DVD, Bluray. 3DBluray and digital copy.

And the awesome cover art:

I can’t wait to get my hands on this set!

  • Herby Ragan

    I WANT!!!!!

  • Jin

    Missed the movie on the big screen. Gotta get the DVD.

  • Brad

    Well I have the attention span of a squirrel and often find myself getting distracted while watching movies, searching actors and stuff in the background, so this seems like a decent idea to me. I also tend not to bother watching the special features, unless it’s a short or deleted scenes, and have no idea how someone can watch a movie with the director’s commentary on, so this would probably help.

    I don’t think it’ll really catch on but it’s kind of cool.

  • 420BAND

    I guess It’s official: I’m an old fart!
    Can some one tell me why would I want to watch the always lame/unnessesary special feature information on an Ipad while I’m in front of my T.V. enjoying the movie the soon to be ol’ fashioned way, on my couch.
    What ever happened to the always enjoyable(most times)”Making of” feature that came with most discs.

  • JC

    Yeah, I read about the Second Screen feature. Looked like it could be cool, but I like just watching the movie.

  • 420BAND

    When can I buy?

    • Mattman

      April 5, I’ve already ordered mine!