Tomb Raider Reboot Update

The Tomb Raider reboot is official, it will happen. Anjelina Jolie and her phony British accent, however, won’t return.Thje Toronto Sun gives us:

The two installments were made by Paramount Pictures, and now The Departed producer Graham King has acquired the rights to the franchise from Japanese videogame company Square Enix Ltd, and is planning to release a third movie in 2013.

In a press release, King states he’s looking for a young Lara Croft, sparking speculation film bosses will be working on a prequel and casting a younger star in Jolie’s famous role.

But in truth, it’s a whole new reboot. In a way, I’m sort of happy- as Jolie never really convinced me with the British accent. It always took me out of the films- and her character was played as a bit cold and indifferent. But the action was fairly good, I’ll give it that. Also, with the dumbness as Salt was, Jolie can still handle wirework and crazy stunts. I’m also sad- because this is a reboot that isn’t needed. I see nothing wrong with continuing the franchise after Cradle Of Life but simply recastting the main part….I mean if you really had to.

But how young are we talking here? Jolie (although I didn’t like her) could still crank out another. She does have a fanbase, y’know. Call me very concerned over this. I don’t see who could take over myself -Kelly Brook?-I’m stumped.

Who would you want to take over for Angelina?

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

9 thoughts on “Tomb Raider Reboot Update

  1. jolie was like made 4 this role. i cant seem to think of anyone doing all of lara’s signature moves except her. n yeah the womans got a huge fanbase. probably the only one close enough that i could think of gettin her role would be mila kunis. shes hot n kinda looks like ange. :)

  2. Just like in the game itself that went to the route of Lara younger version. (the graphic looks promising). But bring us an actual british actress please. I believe there are plenty of them that really good. I hv no complain whatsoever with Jolie thought….

    1. I would be up for Olivia Wilde as Lara Croft, I hated Jolie as Lara and thought she was bloody horrible.

      Dunno who would be great as Lara, just think there are better choices than Jolie.

  3. For some reason I really just can’t see anyone do a Lara Croft as good as Jolie. I mean do you remember the first scene from the first movie where she did her signature side/back flip move while shooting. That was awesome. And she even looked like her! Whoever it ends up being better have me hooked by the first minute in!

  4. How about Ashley Greene? I kinda have a thing for her. Never actually seen her act (Never cared to see any twilights)but seen her in interviews and seems really cool and she is my age. Be nice to actually see her in something to see if she can act. Plus I wouldn’t complain seeing her in that tomb raider outfit ha

  5. This movie franchise reboot is probably a response to its videogame counterpart rebooting, in which they are also using a younger, more athletic (small boobs) Lara Croft and telling her “origins”.

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