Star Wars 3D release date

Posted by on 03. 03. 2011in News Chat

It’s been announced that the good folks over at Lucasfilms are working hard to do some post conversion of Star Wars into 3D for theaters and today we find out more details in a neat jumble of words we refer to as a “press release”:

Source: AICN

Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox announced today that the 3D theatrical launch of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace now has an official release date — February 10, 2012! Set against the thrilling and exotic backdrop of a “galaxy far, far away,” Star Wars is perfectly suited to the immersive 3D theatrical experience, and Episode I delivers some of the Saga’s most stunning and spectacular sequences — from the Naboo invasion to the Tatooine Podraces to the climactic lightsaber battle between Darth Maul and the Jedi.

Supervised by Industrial Light & Magic, the meticulous conversion is being done with utmost respect for the source material, and with a keen eye for both technological considerations and artistic intentions.

The plan is to take whatever profits are generated from the 1st release to help finance the subsequent re-re-re-releases in 3D to have them delivered to theaters annually around the same time each year over the course of 6 yrs bringing the ultimate 3D conclusion, presumably, in 2018. I hate that this is happening because now I have to neglect new movies that are stupid enough expected in February for the foreseeable future for Star Wars… again.

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18 Responses to “Star Wars 3D release date”

  1. Murph says:

    I’ve made a determination. George Lucas is “Lenny,” from Of Mice and Men. He gets a cute little puppy and he can’t step petting it, and petting it, and petting it, and then he crushes the life out of it and destroys it.

    Spielberg is “George,” who tries his hardest to keep Lenny out of trouble, but can never seem to manage it.

  2. fullmetal_medji says:

    I think I’ll wait until Episode IV.

  3. Gah says:

    Lucas is a nutcase.

    Nobody wants to pay money to see Phantom Menace again, in 3D or not, unless he plans to heavily recut the film whilst he’s at it.

    Furthermore, by the time February 2012 rolls around, 3D is going to have lost whatever novelty it still has left.

    People might actually get a little pumped to see Episode 4 in 3D, but… in 2015… nah.

    • Rodney says:

      “by the time February 2012 rolls around, 3D is going to have lost whatever novelty it still has left”

      Yeah. They said that two years ago when 3d was just a fad.

      • gary says:

        May the 3d glasses be with you, always.

      • Opinionbot says:

        …and is 3D really pulling in audiences today? No, not really. The higher ticket price has made 3D films look successful, but ticket sales are way down.

        I manage a cinema. I have a pretty good grasp of these things.

      • 420BAND says:

        It’s a fad that they wont and CANT let fade away.(I came to realize)like the cinema mgr. stated, It basically fills the void of lackluster profits. How else can you really explain: Gullivers Travels,Yogi Bear,Clash of the titans(!),and all the other unnessesary 3D films. Back in the day they never charged you more $$$$ to see a subpar quality film in 3D. BUT now we shell out extra cash to wear dark glasses in a Pitch Black theatre watching muted colors with a hint of added depth and crappy stories. (Avatar the only exception, and still that film is hard to sit thru more than twice) Georgie here is just jumping on the cash bandwagon knowing he can rake in another wad of cash at the theatre, BUT this time he has a gimmic, 3D to add to his arsenal

    • Required: Name says:

      you see being the fan boy that i am i will see them

  4. Art says:

    Cuz he hasn’t already raped Star Wars enough

  5. tzaylor says:

    I don’t think he even does it for the money anymore. he just loves tinkering. The movies are his hot rod and he loves working on it.

  6. Herby Ragan says:

    Please! Make them stop!

    • Joe c says:

      Why ……why should he stop? Give me a good reason that he should stop doing what he wants to do with HIS property and don’t give me the “he is rapping my child” bull shit

  7. vincent leone says:

    how about this idea instead of riding the same old gravy train and messing with the same 6 films all the time. How about this for a novel idea make a new damn film and leave the old ones alone already.

    • Rodney says:

      There is lots of new all the time. TV series, animated shorts, working on a live action TV series, novels. Lots of Star Wars related stuff.

      Whats wrong with working on both?

  8. elainet says:

    I am so excited about starwars being in 3d-I could pee in my pants…..when do the tickets go on sale?….I’ll pay any price…..Will it be at the Chinese in L.A.?….it better be a prestige screen that’s all I can say….hey idiots out there putting Lucus down on this idea….starwars was made for 3d….all the other 3d movies…what a rip off price wise…….nothing stories all blown up on the screen…not starwars….it was born for this….oh, I PRAY he decides to show ALL of them at one showing……I can die and go to heaven then…how about it out there…..anyone think the way I do…..SPEAK UP!!!!!!!!!!

    • Anthony says:

      The film opens in Feb so I would imagine you can buy tickets around that time. He’ll be doing 1 movie at a time and the profits for each film will be used toward the 3D conversion of the subsequent movie starting with ‘Episode 1: The Phantom Menace’ and releasing 1 film a year.

      With that in mind we could be waiting until 2015 until we see the original trilogy and it could potentially be 6 years until you have the opportunity to watch all the films back-to-back and that’s all dependent on whether or not these films perform well enough in theaters to fund the subsequent film’s conversion… but I like your enthusiasm!

  9. Jerry says:

    Ok, I’ll jump in! I will be 65 soon after this comes out in 3D. So I have been around Star Wars a long time.

    My step-son saw it, told me some about it, I did not want to see it, sounded gorry. Then I saw it and have been a Huge Fan ever since.

    I can’t wait for this in 3D, I don’t really care where he starts, I did not get the Blu Rays when they came out because I already had them all in DVD and will wait to get them in 3D.

    You may not like what George does with his property, so what, get over it, one reviewer said if anyone could show us what can really done converting a movie to 3D after the fact it would be Lucas, I agree! To me it appears he has always been pushing the technological edge, starting with filming Star War Episode II completely in digital and what he has done with ILM all these years.

    I appreciate that he keeps tinking with them I have seen some old movies that need major updating regarding visual effects.

    I am underwhelmed with a lot of original and post redone 3D movies. I have my 3D TV and am looking for more content, don’t think it is going to die any time soon. The kids love it, Martin Scorsese said the main reason he did Hugo in 3D was his son assumed it would be in 3D.

    So argue, complain, whatever as much as you want, I will be there every year when another one comes out!

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