Screen Gems’ Devil May Cry

Posted by on 01. 03. 2011in News Chat

The latest video game to be adapted into a feature film has been announced and it re-teams Screen Gems and Capcom after the relationship they’ve both heavily profited from with their successful string of Resident Evil feature films.

Via: The Escapist

The very vague plot is that Dante is killing demons to avenge his mother’s murder, and that’s pretty all we’ve got so far. It’s not clear whether this it’s the original Dante, or the new Dante from Ninja Theory’s reboot, that we’re talking about either. It could even be some new Dante designed just for the movie.

I feel a strong wave of apprehension whenever I find out a videogame franchise that I enjoy is being adapted into a film, and usually with good reason. It doesn’t help that when you find out details like this nugget of information.

Reports say that Screen Gems has hired screenwriter Kyle Ward to create the script. Ward does not have a lot of big action movies - which a Devil May Cry film is almost certainly going to be - on his resume. In fact, he doesn’t have a lot of anything on his resume, having only written one feature film before. He must have impressed someone though, as aside from DMC, he’s also been hired to write the script for the Kane & Lynch movie

I’ve thought the dearth of information regarding the Kane and Lynch movie meant that the movie tripped up and stumbled into production hell, but I guess that this is also some type of pseudo confirmation that wheels are turning behind the scenes if Kyle Ward is getting hired to do more work with videogame adaptations.

Devil May Cry could be a ridiculously fun movie to watch in the hands of the right people. The over the top action used with Dante’s aresenal of guns, magic, and overtly large blades could make for some wonderfully interesting and entertaining cinema. It’s probably safe to assume that there will be some, arguably, needed changes to stories/characters when it makes it’s way through production. How do you good folks feel about this news?

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10 Responses to “Screen Gems’ Devil May Cry”

  1. mh17m3 says:

    I played every DMC other then DMC2(which was terrible btw) and like you said if they get the right people involved - the movie would be kickass. RE movies were OK - nothing special - hopefully they do a much better job with DMC

    • Jamie says:

      How do you know DMC2 is terrible then?

      • Freddy says:

        That’s pretty much the universal agreement. It would be safe to assume that a large majority of those who have played the game think it’s terrible, myself included. I’m glad I bought it second hand…I just wanted it to complete the collection heh.

      • mh17m3 says:

        How do I know its terrible Jamie? I buy the game - having hopes that its as good as DMC1 - and I was able to play it for an hour before I stopped playing because it was reallyyy reallyyy bad. There was no way I would’ve finished it-there was nothing good about it-everything about the game was terrible.

  2. Shinobi says:

    The only way a movie could be faithful to the DMC gameplay and mayhem is if it’s done all CG. The perfect exemple is FINAL FANTASY: ADVENT CHILDREN. That movie was absolutly spectacular and that’s the kind of Devil May Cry movie I’d love to see.

    A live action movie can only be marginally inspired by the game. They’ll do what they want as long as the character is called Dante and slap the name Devil May Cry on it. Resident Evil was WAY more easier to adapt and they still managed to fuck it up.

    And btw wasn’t there supposed to be a live action movie based on the game LOST PLANET at some point?????????

    • Jamie says:

      FFVII: Advent Children was some pretty sweet eye candy and action, but I was pretty lost on the point of the movie/story. I don’t think I was the only one either. I still think they should have just put their money into remaking the original. You know people would buy the crap out of that, just like they did the movie. I couldn’t even get my hands on it the first week of release.

      I think if this movie happens it can’t take itself seriously. Give it a vibe like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (but more blood and some bigger swords, of course) and we could potentially be in for a treat.

      • Anthony says:

        Scott Pilgrim has a fun theme but it didn’t turn into the box office success.

        Advent Children looked nice visually, but SquareEnix seems to have problems when it’s time to write a movie no matter how well the source material was written.

        Live action could work, just needs some Michael Bay/Zack Snyder level of action and effects to entertain truly satisfy the mayhem I’d like to see.

    • Darren says:

      Who said they have to follow the video game? I think this has more potential than most - because it is rare exception that they have more source material to work from than just the game itself.

      Yes, I’m referring to the other spinoffs of the game - specifically the anime and magna. While most of these spinoffs did sandwich themselves within game continuity-but if the filmmakers choose to adapt the “prequel” novels they are not shoehorned by the game. When you say “A live action movie can only be marginally inspired by the game” and imply that will be the film’s undoing, it may not be the case. They have a bit more legroom, and I see that this has potential if they stray from the game storyline just a small bit.

  3. Roman says:

    My brain cannot take the bastardization of my three favorite gaming franchises RE DMC and Uncharted.

    Making a movie out of DMC has Bloodrayne written all over it, and we all know how horrible that was

  4. Bruce Darren Acosta says:

    I don’t know if Devil May Cry will translate very well to the film and Kyle Ward writing the script is a joke they to play the DMC games first before they start writing the script they need to rethink first.
    Devil May Cry is different to Blade series so if the DMC movie gets things done by following the game then it will turn out good.
    Thank You.

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