Joseph Gordan Levitt is NOT Holiday Killer

Posted by on 03. 21. 2011in News Chat

Stop the presses and pump the brakes as EW is attempting to do some damage control regarding the hysteria surrounding casting news for the Dark Knight Rises. TMB recently caught wind that JGL was confirmed for the Dark Knight Rises but in a bit of a sucker punch we find out that he’s not who we thought he was.

Source: EW

…recent reports that Gordon-Levitt will play Alberto Falcone (a.k.a. the Holiday Killer) — the son of former mob kingpin, Carmine Falcone (Tom Wilkinson) — are incorrect. So, Batman fans: Begin the re-speculation now!

So, international friends let the re-speculation begin! JGL is a hot commidity and welcome addition to the cast, but this begs the questions of “If not Falcone, then who?

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i want to say or suggest that ,levitt was really good actor and he's got wonderful talent in acting.I don't really know about the acting theory ,but i wanna say that he could become a really good and professional actor in the future if he have the chance to act, in a wonderful and heart-touching movies like " 500 days of summer". i don't want to debate or disagree to the above comments, as a fan of levitt , i want him to be participate or get chances to act in a great movies. cos i like Joesph Gorden Levitt.

References? Is that what you think his presence will be reduced to? There is no faith in Hollywood magic these days. It is all so very simple, almost painfully simple with the amount of people debating over this fact: The Joker didn't die. Folks I don't know what to say, it's like a lot of you have already accepted something that isn't true, and are just cheering on this series just because "The Dark Knight" was so great. There is no spotlight. There is no pressure. No egos, no bounds, no nothing. In the good and the enlightened filmmakers, actors, whatever, the only thing, and the only important thing, is being a part of a team that makes a great film. It is something of this human race, working together. Why wouldn't Nolan want joker back as a villain? Surely Heath's death had a very personal effect on him, but also the hardest part about this for Nolan is seeing past all the media and trolls blowing this up. Surely only fools would compare the roles, rather than seeing it so simply as "Joseph Gordon Levitt as The Joker". As a film, as a piece of fiction, Batman became what he is because of the Joker. He is more than just a character, he represents all that Bruce Wayne is fighting against. Furthermore, the title of the film is "The Dark Knight Rises", a continuation of "The Dark Knight". Meaning we've already seen Act 1 with "Batman Begins", setting us up, we've seen Act 2 with "The Dark Knight", where the plot thickens, and now, Act 3 ladies and gentlemen, a drum we've been hearing since 2005 has been rolling for it, "The Dark Knight Rises".

If this was a weekly show then I would 100% back you with your points. I just honestly feel with the situation that has occurred we aren't going to be seeing the Joker. Nolans plans may have changed since this happened but let's be realistic; the script wasn't even drawn up for the third film before Ledger died so there would have been plenty of time to arrive at a suitable way to continue the storyline. If James Gabdolfini died while in the mid-season filming of the Sopranos you would be able to accept someone coming in to fill the role as it NEEDS to be filled, much like the role of Dumbledoor in Harry Potter films. I think that Nolan is just going to "let sleeping dogs lie" There are only 3 films, the Joker had a great ride but as I said previously, he pretty much did everything he needed to do with this film. Everyone knows Bane finds out who Batman is and breaks his back - if that's the storyline that they are going to go with then bringing in The Joker isn't needed! As for Batman becoming what he is because of the Joker, well that can easily be debated as it was more psychological grief that caused Bruce Wayne to become what he is today. In an ideal world; we would all love the Joker in it, but much like Ra's Al Guhl

- He headlined a film, surely that should be enough for Batman Fans. The Joker isn't in every comic, I personally think it's good to let Nolan bring in as many new characters as he can while so we can see his portrayal of them before he finishes with them completely! And in response to the questioning if 'references' - Yes; if Levitt isn't the Joker they could always still mention him in the film, as you said 'he isn't dead' ...I'd rather that than no mention of the Joker at all.

Think 10 years from now, looking back on this series.... (hell, even ONE year.) If there is no joker: The entire world will look back on this with such regret...with the great success of batman begins, the fucking beast that is the dark knight, and then a movie that wasn't as good as it could have been just because we all thought we weren't ready for what exactly are we talking about again? OH YEAH, A MOVIE CHARACTER. Death, folks, is inevitable. If there is no joker, some fraction of audiences will show up thinking "Oh yeah, there's no joker in this one cause that one guy died and out of respect we're not going to continue the character" but then soon will be thinking "wait a minute..." What a crock it would be, the third film entry in such an epic saga not having the joker's presence... I can't even wrap my head around what a tragedy that would be. Changing the entire direction of this movie, all for some sort of thought that we should uphold a performance from a dead guy. If heath ledger's spirit is out there, you really think he would want people to stop the show all for him? This is not how you deal with death, if we're going to go down THAT road. Think about it. This is the kind of shit that is bringing Hollywood down. With all the reboots, remakes, sequels, and prequels out there, and especially with the superhero franchises being probably the biggest victim to "different takes" on the stories, Christopher Nolan's Batman is all we have really. Home run after a home run, and Nolan steps up for his third, and hopefully he knows that he can't POSSIBLY let untimely death in the real world stop A MOVIE from being all that it can be. Folks, the show must go on. As much as Nolan is afraid, he probably knows that he can't be. Being that it is all up to him, this whole thing, there is not a doubt in my mind that he knows he has to finish what he started. If there is a joker: Fans rejoice. Either at the announcement of Joseph Gordon Levitt playing the role, or at the end of the "The Dark Knight Rises". Fans of all types realize certain things, positive things, etc etc etc etc

I think you make some great points but looking at TDK as a film, I don't know if Nolan would have wanted The Joker back as a main Villain in this one anyway. You look at films that do well and then they stick with what works; it's always a punt in the dark. - It would mean the fans would be happy BUT It would depend on if Nolan had a decent sotryline set in the first place, as the Joker was such a great character, he may be Batman's biggest rival; but for a decent third film the character may have been a little over used and become slightly stale (Much like Ra's Al Ghul - Even though I like the character, it's been done.) - The Media would have a field day! Whether or not Levitt pulls the role off, it's always going to be unfair to compare the two out of respect for Ledger. - The Pressure on Levitt to deliver And I feel that if he was the Joker it then will overshadow the other Villains in the film, this being the chance for a great Actor such as Tom Hardy to step up and show the world just how good he is. Would we feel ripped off if it was just a Joker Cameo? And if it was, it would be such a waste for a talent such as Levitt. I can see them making refferences to the Joker, maybe see some henchmen with Clown Facepaint on if there is any gangwars in this film. If the Joker is done, it has to be done right. I feel it's too risky for Nolan and he will want Hardy in the Spotlight - and it's for those reasons I previously made a guess that Levitt will play Jack Ryder or someone along those lines who will get enough cameratime to prove his weight in gold but also not overshadow Hardy.

Everyone just relax for a moment and catch your breath... as long as Nolan is steering the ship on this one, I think it's a safe bet that 'Dark Knight 3' will be great. I have no clue who he could play. The only other roles that make sense (assuming that Nolan maintains the same tone) are characters from Year One and the Loeb/Sale collaborations. Who does that leave? That bowl-cut wearing nephew of the Roman? Ugh.

Joker bro!.....Joker.... "let it flow" :)

Remember the main character of these movies is Batman not the Joker. Nolan should be exploring the mind of Bruce Wayne and Batman.

With Bane being confirmed as a villain and the sharp parallels between Bane and Batman (in the comics, at least), I don't think we're going to be in danger of losing focus on Bats Wayne.

I just don't see him bringing the Joker back. Bringing Two Face back would be easier. Why saddle your movie with the worry of hoping the public accepts some one else protraying a character whom people associate with an actor who has passed on. That performance was the highlight of Heath's career due to his passing. Heath performance has been elevated to such a degree that I don't think the public will readily accept someone else filling those shoes so quickly. This is a direct sequel after all. Nolan going to have a hard enough time topping the Dark Knight as a whole, let alone adding a brand new Joker performance to the mix.

Agreed, BUT just having him cameo like they did w/ Scarecrow in TDK. The make-up will help and It would be Awesome and help the continuity. Love to see him all Crazy in Arkam. Just Sayin' This might happen, wouldn't it be cool if it gets kept under wraps till the movie comes out. (just gotta stop releasing the action figures early) to me Batmans at his Best going head to head with Joker. Movies and Comics alike.

I agree totally 420Band. I've had images bouncing around in my head of Batman visiting Joker in Arkham, needing advice on how to catch a serial murderer known as the Riddler for sometime. Silence of the Lambs comes to mind when I think of this scene. And Nolan loves to pay homage to certain scenes in other movies that he himself has enjoyed. So I'm with you in that regard.I do believe that Nolan had something like this in my mind for his sequel. Like you I'd love to see it but I think it would be hard to pull off.(The new Joker and all)

A man can dream cant he? Silence of the lambs huh? (what would Batman do if while he's walking down that dark hallway full of baddies if one of them threw some pearl white "Soft Soap" at him like they did Jodie?) :)

Completely agree. Ledger did an awesome job—legendary—but it was by no means a performance that isn’t easily replicated by a solid actor. The fact that the character is covered in make-up and scars would make getting a replacement in there very easy. Also, it’s obvious that Nolan originally planned on bringing him back. Why else leave him alive at the end of TDK? There’s been plenty of time to mourn the fantastic actor that originally played him; however, the show must go on. Nolan’s depiction of the Joker is the coolest thing to come out of this rebooted franchise and it would be a shame to let the character end now before he’s fully been explored.

The Joker Returns!! Seriously people it's so obvious... I think Nolan was just dealing with his grief over Heath initially and wasn't exactly thinking about his replacement. However I think he realizes that Levitt has the acting chops to continue the character. There is no reason to see this as a slight against Heath. As long as the character is treated with respect there is no reason to exclude Joker if Nolan has a place for him in The Dark Knight Rises.

At the end of The Dark Knight Lucius Fox says he is retiring. Perhaps JGL character will be filling his shoes as gadget man (hopefully Lucius is still in the mix somewhere. Any takers?

I'll bet he'll simply take over Heath Ledger's role as the Joker. He looks like him. If not, then maybe Joseph Gordon Levitt will play Deadshot.

I'm still going with a smaller role of JACK RYDER - A good way to progress the stroyline and establish a timeframe from where The Dark Knight finishes & TDK Rises begins. Give him a role where he sells all the information he knows on Batman to a Villain like Bane who is obsessed with destroying Batman (Bane being highly intelligent would want to know everything he can about him)

Three guesses: 1. CGI him into Bane. B. Penguin 4. Robin???

Meaning most part 3's always fall short. and yes, even the almighty Nolan is capable of this happening to him (movie)

1. Hope not. B. I could dig it. 4. Oh Lord please no... What if Nolan completely trashes this movie :)~

Wouldn't put it passed him thats for sure

Hmmmm.....420 What movie has he trashed in the past? Im just curious because you say you wouldnt put it past him.

Meaning most part 3′s always fall short. and yes, even the almighty Nolan is capable of this happening to him (movie)

Joker Cameo is still alive then!!!!!

I'm with you - he even looks like Ledger and I personally believe he has the chops to pull it off. Very cool.

I thought Nolan said he wouldn't go that route out of respect for Heath and how Heath's death affected him personally. So I'm thinking Riddler with a little bit of the Holiday Killer thrown in. Turning the Riddler into a type of Zodiac killer serial murderer. If I had a pair of red ruby slippers I'd be clicking them together right now. I want this to be true so bad.

I was hoping for a Zodiac type Riddler quite a while back. Of course, I was hoping for Crispen Glover at the time. I can really see JGL in the spot of Joker and wouldn't think that it would disrespect Ledger's memory at all. Quite the contrary - imitation is the highest form of flattery. If JGL played Joker as Heath Ledger playing Joker. Don't know if Nolan would agree, though. Anyhow, if he's Joker I'm excited about it. If he's Riddler in the form of a Zodiac type I'm just as excited.