Is Shia ready to be Bourne?

Posted by on 01. 03. 2011in News Chat

No, they won’t be replacing Matt Damon as Jason Bourne. Instead the plan is to introduce a new super spy in the mix and, as recently covered, the crew working on the movie have been in discussions with a number of young talent interested in becoming the lead in the new film, with one glaring omission that has now been rectified.

Via: Latino Review

The new movie will simply take the title from author Robert Ludlum’s book, but will not use the story. Gilroy has also made it very clear that the new film is not a reboot or a recast or a prequel, and that no one’s replacing Matt Damon. There will be a whole new hero, a whole new chapter and that this film is a stand-alone project.

Today I got a tip that another young star has been mentioned in the last few days. That young star is none other than Shia LaBeouf. No decisions have been made but we can confirm that Shia went in and is in the mix.

Shia has proven himself, in my mind, as a pretty capable actor and is no stranger to these action movies. I actually feel a lot more comfortable with his name being attached to this movie than most others in the short list that was previously given. The real treat would be if they decide to somehow include Matt Damon’s character in this movie, as he’s expressed some interest in returning to the character in the past. I feel comfortable with the idea of casting Shia, and will be sure to share more details as soon as they’re available.

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20 Responses to “Is Shia ready to be Bourne?”

  1. Los Americanos says:

    YOU’VE GOTTA BE ******* ME!

    • Joe C says:

      did you not read the post it says that Matt Damon will NOT be replaced

      • Ryan says:

        It says the character would not be replaced, but that doesn’t mean Damon himself couldn’t be replaced by a new character, portrayed by a different actor. Case in point: Mulder being “replaced” on the X-Files by some other dude at the FBI.

  2. tzaylor says:

    I need a break from Shia

  3. MadMax_007 says:

    I ABSOLUTELY agree with you Anthony. I also feel more comfortable with shia’s casting thanthe previous list of actors. He has A LOT of action movie cred

    • Ryan says:

      A lot of action movie cred? Seriously? His action movies have not exactly been critical successes, save for the first transformers (and even that was overrated — the critical success was that they managed to make a film that wasn’t complete crap, so it all had to do with the low expectations of people going in). The second Transformers was a disaster and Indy 4 was not exactly a big win, in either critical press or the box office.

      • Ty says:

        Name some other action stars from the short list, with films that have been successes.

  4. EZELL says:

    Damon had no action credit when he did Bourne. Get a could actor a guy who when he is being chased or trouble repeats no no no nooonnooon.

    Give us Emile Hursch now thats an actor.

  5. Kimball says:

    I think a lot of people give Shia a hard time because of some of the movies he’s been in (e.g. Transformers, IJ & The Crystal Skull). But I think he was great in those movies, even if the movies themselves were a disappointment. In my opinion, this kid is one of the greatest actors of his generations. Just go back to some of his earlier work (Holes, The Greatest Game Ever Played, Even Steven). This kid is amazing. He’s got charm, comedic timing and even action ability. I saw let him into the Bourne world. He’ll be awesome.

    • Ryan says:

      You’ve got it completely backwards. Some of those films were decent, and he dragged them down. The big complaint from the Transformer franchises? People don’t want the people, they want the robots. If Shia was that talented in action roles, people wouldn’t feel that way. The big complaint of the Indy movie with him in it? Shia’s character and how much of a distraction it was. Again, if he was all that talented, he would have made it work. Both of those were decent films, but would have been more than decent without Shia’s characters in them. Some of that is Shia’s fault.

  6. yigal says:

    So this is not a sequel? If this isn’t will there be one with Matt damon?

  7. HDpunk says:

    does anyone else still see Shia LaBeouf as a kid??? its gonna be weirds seeing someone who could still pull off playing a high school kid playing a spy in an action thriller…

  8. TheSwede says:

    I would not like to see Shia as a bourne apprentice. I just don’t think he has the look to pull it off. The thing about the spies in bourne universe are that they blend in because the look unnoticeable. I really can’t see Shia in this, perhaps cause all of the movies he made recently which kinda makes him noticeable… in a bad way.

  9. Roman says:

    I am surprised that I am actually in support of this idea. What made Damon such a good Bourne is that he didn’t know what he was capable of and kind of learned his badassness as he went along through the first movie. I think if you did a similar thing with the unassuming Shia you could do something entertaining. I welcome this attempt at a standalone spin off but those types of movies are rarely successful.

  10. rend says:

    wow,, weak move. I would just say no if I was him and move onto another part,, there have to be several dozen.

  11. Halfdan Timm says:

    Transformers is almost the same as Bourne.

    Not really..

  12. Ryan says:

    Shia ruins EVERYTHING he is in, at least everything that’s action-oriented. He should be in goofy comedies, not serious action films.


  13. Edvin says:

    Most people said that Matt Damon, could not pull of playing an action star.

    Most people said Daniel Craig would suck as Bond.

    I am not syaing that this makes much sense. But seriously, every time some actor is type cast. People roast them for not doing anything new.

    And heaven forbid if they try, because then people say that they can’t see him pulling it of.

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