Frost and Pegg do Star Wars

Posted by on 15. 03. 2011in News Chat

Quite possibly the funniest I have ever seen these two together. And that is saying a lot considering how often we have seen Simon Pegg and Nick Frost together.

I just love how when Pegg is saying his lines, the soundtrack kicks in. And I always did wonder what Artoo was really saying. I imagine calling Threepio’s bluff about his navigational skills would have been appropriate. He is a protocol droid programmed in six million forms of communication, not a GPS.

Just freaking brilliant. I love watching these two go at it and this little gag just makes me want to see them at it again in Paul.

Mission accomplished.

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5 Responses to “Frost and Pegg do Star Wars”

  1. Roman says:

    Their accents and mannerisms are pure gold. Pegg seemed a little forced but Frost freaking kills me everytime. I love the part where he was like you made by Darth Vader and he goes we don’t talk about that lol. Too funny, this little nugget is pure gold good work Hot Rod

  2. walker says:


  3. seantana says:

    I’m pretty sure they are called R2D2 and C3PO, not Artoo and Threepio. Jus sayin

    • Rodney says:

      I am pretty sure you need to pick up a Star Wars novel.

      As much as they are propertly named R2D2 and C3PO, they are frequently called “Artoo” and “Threepio” in the official novels and the film screenplays.

      The two references are interchangable the same way people call me Rod and Rodney alike.

      • Dean says:

        think you got owned their seantana ;)

        love frost and pegg those two are bloody brilliant. Paul was a really funny ass movie would like to see it again. i would love my own alien too :)

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