Dark Knight Rises Spoilers?

Posted by on 03. 03. 2011in News Chat

A “good source” has told Badass Digest who the villains are and a bit of the plot for Nolan’s Dark Knight Rises. There’s nothing terribly revealing here, certainly nothing anyone reading all the online news couldn’t have surmised on their own, but it’s circulating a lot this morning…

Badass Digest says their source revealed:

As she herself confirmed, Anne Hathaway will be Catwoman in the movie. I can’t tell you what role she has in the beginning, but by the end of the story Catwoman isn’t a villain but rather an ally of Batman. And who are they teaming up to take out?

The League of Shadows.

Headed by Talia Al’Ghul. With Bane, who is her muscle/possible love interest. And with Joseph Gordon-Levitt in tow. Is he playing Black Mask? My source didn’t know, but did know that Levitt is certainly an antagonist and involved with the League of Shadows.

Does anyone else think “Rise of the Dark Knight” would be a better title than “Dark Knight Rises?”

More importantly, does anyone else share my fear that Nolan is going the Spiderman 3, Batman Returns (and all sequels thereafter) mistake route of trying to bring in too many “icon” characters? Historically, that’s always resulted in unfocused, subpar films. Is this is a risk for him?

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who has written 57 posts on The Movie Blog

The Hollywood Slinky has lived in Los Angeles, Chicago and Chattanooga. The Slinky attended film school at Columbia College in Chicago, is one of the creators and host of the film-centered podcast Lights Camera Cleveland and is currently a public relations specialist for a multi-million dollar corporation. Mostly, though, he just loves movies.

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25 Responses to “Dark Knight Rises Spoilers?”

  1. Joseph says:

    I certainly hope not,And I think Nolan took the time in preparing for this movie because he also said he can’t hardly remember a Movie part 3 that didn’t suck.

  2. Roderick says:

    i think he can handle all the characters and subplots. inception was a huge story with alot of different characters and elements. and momento was jsut as confusing. but i think Nolan has a grasp of how to take a lot and port tray it in a way that is not confusing to the audience. He’s a master of finely coordinated chaos.

  3. Matthew W says:

    Nolan knows exactly what he’s doing and how to do it. He always does.

  4. Lawrence says:

    Nah. Chris Nolan won’t screw this up. Trust me, the guy knows what the audience wants .

  5. knossis says:

    I think Rise of the Dark Knight is better and I don’t think Nolan has too much in the film. The Dark Knight had several different elements and it flowed well. Let’s see…you had the mob, the mob accountant, The Joker, Gordon’s story, Two Face and other stuff and it worked perfectly. Nolan can put it all together but the story has to be good and make sense.

    • pahceco says:

      Your Damn skippy! also the death of Rachel, and how it affected Bruce and Harvey in different way. This guy knows how to tell complicated stories.

    • Ryan says:

      Honestly, I don’t think it worked “perfectly,” otherwise it would have won Best Pic. What really brought the movie down from perfect to merely fantastic (:p) is the fact that he bit on a little bit more than he could chew with Two Face. I really, really wish he didn’t decide to begin and end that character all in one movie, with everything else going on. Two Face should have survived to wreak havoc and the fact that the character was an example of too much, too soon is a flaw a lot of people like me agree exists in it.

      • knossis says:

        I see your point Ryan but I thought it worked rather well. I didn’t agree with Harvey dying at the end but him becoming two face is apart of his arch as a character and fit rather well with what was going on in the overall movie. There was nice foreshadowing when all Gordan,Dent and Batman meet on top of MCU and in response to them talking about going after the mobs money Gordon says, “By going after the mobs money, things could get Ugly.” The word Ugly being a sure sign of the price Dent would eventually pay for being the face of there heroism. Batman protects himself and those he cares about by wearing a mask. Gordon protected his family by faking his death. Harvey was unprotected out in the open and both himself and those he cared about (Rachel) paid the price for this. That makes perfect sense to me and the movie would have been less without those elements. Superb story telling all around. I don’t cage rather a movie is great or not on it winning best picture at the oscars. The oscars are so out of touch with there selections. Comic book movies have a stigma that the oscar crowd may not touch for awhile. How suprised was everyone when Return of the King won Best Picture. We have yet to see a great Sci Fi movie when best picture. The Dark Knight should have been nominated. Look at the Box office that’s the true measuring point. How many asses does the movie put in the seats. It was the Jokers performance or Heath’s death that did that it was people liking the overall movie. There have been quite a few best picture winners that had serious flaws in storytelling, pace and what not so who knows what the academy looks at when nominating a film. They tend to snub there noses at comic book movies though.

  6. Jin says:

    Dark Knight Rises sounds better than Rise of Dark Knight, actually.

  7. Norberto says:

    “Rise of..” titles are so tired and cliche, if they wanted to include the word “rise”, Dark knight Rises sounds much much better

  8. Aaron says:

    Nolan has a talent for including a lot of characters in his movies, all the while creating a clean, intelligent, and entertaining product. Go ahead and add the Ridler, Poison Ivy, and Penguin… It’ll still be a masterpiece if he’s behind it.

  9. Roman says:

    He has no choice but to up the ante. Every movie has to progress and grow. The stakes were so high in 2, all of Gotham was under attack so you need a larger threat to compete with the second Nolan film.

    • MadMax_007 says:

      I have to disagree with you because blowing up a hospital and couple of ferries doesn’t compare to poisoning the entire city of Gotham with fear gas.

      • pahceco says:

        And somehow the “hospital and couple of ferries” ware more Badass than the gass thing by far.

      • MadMax_007 says:

        No not really pacheco. The whole ferry scenario was a joke(pun intended). That’s why Begins is slightly better than Knight imo. Begins’ disaster plot was much more epic in scope and I hope Nolan can bring that feeling back in his supposedly final installment of this awesome franchise.

      • knossis says:

        I don’t know… I think I agree with Pahceco on this one. Begin’s was a good movie but nothing in it was epic. The fear gas thing wasn’t epic because you never saw the true scale of the panic that it caused in Gotham. A lot of the scenes were shot on a studio back lot or in a huge warehouse and it showed. Nolan’s not to blame for this, he had budget concerns with the reboot. Begin’s is great in the retelling of Bruce’s origin and how he got all of his gadgets and what not. The fear gas ending was rather cartoonish and took the movie down a peg or two. The Dark Knight was on a whole different level. The scope was bigger, the threat was escalating chaos which couldn’t be defeated with a simple antidote. Every one paid a price for their actions in Knight. Begins was good but not on the same level as Knight. I don’t know how Nolan can top it.

  10. Anthony says:

    I thought he made a career out of being the director that has “too much” and it works. Either way I still have faith and believe he can buck the trend of bad threequels. I expect that ‘Return of the King’ level of ‘epic’ in this one.

  11. Russell says:

    I have every confidence that Nolan will do all the right things, save for maybe the title of the movie (it sounds too much like “Batman Begins… Again”). But that aside, Nolan can juggle various villains at one time, and has proved as much. Batman Begins had more than one villain, The Dark Knight certainly had more than one, and I suspect that The Dark Knight Rises will have the same balance.

    As far as Spider-Man 3 goes, I don’t think that movie reeked on the count of too many villains, it was a lack of a better way to bring them all together. I mean, they spent more time on Emo Spider-Man than they did Venom, Sandman, or Harry, not to mention they had already done two movies about the ongoing love story between Peter Parker and Mary Jane, but still insited on making that a major focal point of the 3rd one too. After an hour and half of that garbage, there was no time left for villains.

  12. TheSwede says:

    I just can’t stop thinking about Cat woman and anne. I’m soooooo looking forward to the first pics or something cus I have a feeling that charachter ,being the “joker” of this movie (i.e the charachter who everyone know), is the only thing that can possibly go wrong from where i’m standing

  13. [rono] says:

    I think the title is fine. Maybe not the greatest commercial title, but it hopefully serves the script. I have confidence that Nolan will be able to keep his head on his shoulders and deliver a great sequel.

    From the impressive success of The Dark Knight, I think he should know what happens to previous directors who failed with the sequels.

    Look at Inception: clearly, The Dark Knight was not a happy accident.
    I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

  14. NeonKlaws says:

    I think we just all have to trust in Nolan. I’ll admit i’m not happy with the Hatherway casting, or the fact Catwoman will be featured at all. However Heath Ledger as the joker was also a bizarre casting choice, until i saw the first pictures and read he was basing his character on Alex from clockwork orange. Tom Hardy though is keeping my excited.

  15. Lawrence says:

    If this plot is true, then there’s a big chance Ra’s Al Ghul will be resurrected. That means Liam Neeson will reprise his role for this movie…

  16. SuperHeroNerd says:

    Nolan can and will definitely pull this off. As far as the title I think “The Dark Knight Rises” is good, but I feel it could be better. The spoiler news is still sinking in, I just think that the plot seems a little like prior batman movies. With the whol superhero team up against two or three main villains. I dont know, but I have faith in Nolan.

  17. vargas says:

    It’s always a risk. As much as I loved The Dark Knight, Two face didn’t get enough time in The Dark Knight, IMO. We’ll see.

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