Daredevil Casting Rumors Begin with Pattinson

Posted by on 17. 03. 2011in News Chat

Hot on the horns from the other day’s announcement that David Slade would direct the Daredevil sequel, the first casting rumor regarding the comics hero (under Slade) has surfaced. Moviehole gives us this:

And yes, with David Slade given the job, there’s “some kind of talk” about Robert Pattinson – who, with the “Twilight” series winding up, is going to be looking for a new well-paying gig – playing the part of Matt Murdock. That’s just ‘talk’ though

Now, let me say two things. First to the fellow online community. Since this is a sequel to the 2003 film, why do you keep calling it a reboot? That’s not what a reboot is. Second, Pattinson. It’s only a rumor. I’m glad folks are pointing this out. Surprisingly, Josh Hartlett’s name hasn’t shot up to the top of the rumor list as fast. While I’m not always eye to eye with most comics geeks, I would think Josh’s name in a rumor mill would be a bit more believable. It would lessen the sting at the very least. But the thing of it is, if this is a sequel, and the online community as well as some execs start thinking “young 20s” Matt Murdock I got a news flash for you.

This is a SEQUEL. It follows the 2003 film. That is the plan.. The sequel idea works well because it sets up the Born Again storyline nicely. It is not a reboot. It is a sequel. You cannot cast an actor like Pattinson. Don’t cast Kristin Stewart as Elektra either even if she looks like Jennifer Garner’s kid sister. Stop this crap. Just stop it.

Any actor could replace Affleck, but let’s not get carried away.
Am I wrong?


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12 Responses to “Daredevil Casting Rumors Begin with Pattinson”

  1. cloud720 says:

    Ben Affleck was 29 when filming the first one.

    Robert Pattinson is 24 now. Would probably be 25 or 26 by the time this starting filming. is that much of a difference?

    And just cause a decade passed in the real world doesnt mean a deacade passed in DareDevil’s world. Any comicbook can tell you this.

  2. Swampfox says:

    I think one of the guys from Supernatural would be a good Matt Murdock.

  3. MadMax_007 says:

    Replace Affleck with his best buddy Matt Damon for the role

    • MadMax_007 says:

      It took 4 years for studios to reboot Punisher and Spider-Man films. And it took 5 years to reboot the Hulk movie. By the time this Daredevil sequel gets released it will be NINE years since the original came out in ’03. Seriously, why don’t they just REBOOT the damned thing?

  4. Dirk Anger says:

    I want Pattinson no where near this property; the taint of Twilight is too strong with that cat. I didn’t have any problem with Affleck as Murdock, especially on the director’s cut of the flick.

    • Rodney says:

      You do realize that Pattinson is not Twilight.

      Regardless of what you feel about Twilight or the films, Pattinson is an actor who happened to star in them… he isn’t writing or directing Daredevil, so why would you think there would be any comparison between the two.

      Does Inception have “the stink of” The Beach because Leonardo was in it?
      Does 300 have “the stink of” The Bounty Hunter on it because Butler was in it?

      I just don’t see the hate for this actor because you have a hate for Twilight - which isn’t this actor’s fault.

      • 420BAND says:

        Thank god 300 didn’t carry over the funky stench of the Bounty Hunter cause that shit was terrible.

        Pattinson’s acting talent should outlast the Twighlight type cast.
        and he’s got the face to pull off a Blind guy.
        even better, How bout Keeanu’s empty gaze that comes with all his films, that actually could work as a blind guy!

        any thoughts?

      • knossis says:

        Didn’t Bounty Hunter come out after 300? If so…how would 300 have the stink of that movie on it, being that Butler did 300 first. Just sayin…As for Pattinson, I don’t know if Dirk’s saying the stink is due to the fact that Pattinson may be typecast because he’s done 3 Twilight movies, or due to his acting. I’m going with typecast. Leonardo didn’t do The Beach and 2 sequels of the Beach. Pattinson doesn’t have many movies under his belt from us to pick through. I do agree with Rodney though. I don’t thing he’s a bad actor. We should at least give him a chance as an actor and not bash him due to a character he played. Anyway you look at it, casting him is win win. Us comic geeks are going to see it regardless, and Pattinson alone will pack the house with females who think he’s hot. The studio will make a butt load of money,we won’t have to drag our girlfriends to see it, and single comic geeks all over the world may leave with a female on their arm who was impressed when he answered her inquiries on all things Daredevil.

  5. Dirk Anger says:

    Where to begin. First off, the 300/Bounty Hunter reference is backwards and doesn’t make sense. Second, The Beach wasn’t all that bad and comparing Leonardo to Pattinson is like comparing Brando or Pacino to Keanu Reeves (not that I dislike Reeves). Di Caprio is one of the best actors of this generation if for no other reason than his amazing range. So far with Pattinson I’ve seen him brood in one of the Harry Potters, the Twilight movies, & whatever that awful 9/11 movie was. Brooding isn’t range.
    As far as the Twilight movies go I don’t hate them, I just see them for what they are which is a money grab from a huge female teenager fanbase. Problem is Pattinson and Stewart are synonimous with, and the face of, an entire franchise which is still banging out sequels, and they have done nothing with their monotone/leaden acting performances to lift that franchise out of mediocrity.

    • Rodney says:

      EVERY movie is a money grab for it’s target audience. That’s what movies are.

      And despite the chronological issues my point still stands. An actor is not defined by one franchise. If pattinson stars in another movie that doesn’t mean it will have the stink of twilight on it.

  6. Dirk Anger says:

    Ok let me simplify this: forget Twilight already. I used those films as an example because it’s what he’s most well known for. I’ve seen him in other roles. He’s very one note. He’s not a very good actor. Marvel has had a good track record recently of casting good ACTORS for roles & not just young popular faces. This would not be a good move in my opinion.

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