Charlie Sheen wanted for Hangover 2 Cameo?

Posted by on 03. 03. 2011in News Chat

Charlie Sheen might just be a train wreck of social behaviours, but unlike other stars being ripped apart for their social fumblings, Sheen appears to be riding this wave of skeptical criticism, embracing his lifestyle of “Winning”

And it might be working. A rumour “from a trusted source” says that Todd Phillips has been trying to get Sheen for a cameo in The Hangover 2 for a last minute addition.

Dark Horizons reports:

director Todd Phillips has spent the last couple of days trying to secure Charlie Sheen for a secret cameo in “The Hangover Part II”. Though principal photography is wrapped, that doesn’t mean Sheen can’t yet pop up for a quick shoot.

Now Phillips has denied this already, but if he was trying to secretly get him in the film I would suspect he WOULD deny it.

However, Sheen being involved in a cameo might just be one more poke in the ribs to Mel Gibson (who I think could have benefitted from a self depreciating cameo in the film) as Sheen seems to be setting the very example of bad behaviour and is now praised for it.

I wonder just how many hookers, drug abuses and domestic violence charges it takes to equal one anti-semetic slur?

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5 Responses to “Charlie Sheen wanted for Hangover 2 Cameo?”

  1. Anthony says:

    Sheen and Gibson would make for a nice controversial duo.

  2. HDpunk says:

    sheen would nice or tiger woods lol, but it sucks that we know about it be fore its even happened… if its going to happened…

  3. Vatican ASSASIN WARLOCK says:

    charlie sheen is the man
    drink some tigerblood and you can win too

  4. cloud720 says:

    Anyone remember carrot top in the first hangover? Sheen could fit in the same way.

  5. 420BAND says:

    Carrot Top doing blow was the funniest part of that movie, All the final snapshots were.

    To answer your question at the end: it takes 50 offenses of the carnal nature to equal JUST ONE alledged anti-s. slur

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