Two Oscar Traditions Go Bye-Bye

Posted by Darrenon 22. 02. 2011in News Chat

With less than a week to go before Oscars are handed out, a little bit of change regarding the telecast has been announced. You should sit down for this…take a breath, pour a drink and prepare yourselves. According to Reuters/Hollywood Reporter:

Gone will be the movie montages — like last year’s salute to horror movies — that often contribute to the broadcast’s unwieldy running time. While there will be film clips from the ten best picture nominees and brief filmed introductions to different segments of the show, “Within the body of the show, we are not doing any film montage sequences,” said Bruce Cohen, who will produce with Don Mischer.

Gone too will be the relatively new tradition, established just two years ago, of using five presenters to offer tribute testimonials about each of the best actor and actress nominees.

Okay, NOW you can jump up, do cartwheels and buy your friends a round!
I liked the tributes and honors myself from the last two years, I thought it showed class. Better to cut it before folks get used to it.
But …the death of the montage…! WOW!

That took a lot of courage. I commend the Academy for finally stepping up after decades of this pure agony.

And you thought I was bringing bad news. Sorry about that. Oh wait—I am. When something is taken away, something could be added…

“This year’s producing team is restoring individual performances of the four nominated songs, which were eliminated last year”


What is your reaction?

(On a side note, don’t forget about The Movie Blog Oscar Poll! The results will be known on the 27th.)

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Darren who has written 66 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Two Oscar Traditions Go Bye-Bye”

  1. fullmetal_medji says:

    I’m relieved. At first I thought they were going to get rid of one of the categories.

  2. fritzilla says:

    The Oscars have been so out of touch with the nominations they leave out and those that win that I gave up on them. Sorry.

    • Pman-67 says:

      Same here. While I love movies, I find it hard to give a damn about award shows. I sometimes find myself rooting for certain movies or performers to win, but in the end, I really don’t care much. I’m just not that into the spectacle of it all. I don’t care who’s wearing what on the red carpet. Nor do I care what an elite few think is good cinema. I can honestly say that rarely has a Oscar win or nomination weighed in to my movie viewing decision making process.

      I’m not anti-award show, they’re just not for me.

  3. jeremy1777 says:

    You seriously don’t like the montage videos? Those have been some of the best Oscar moments through the years!

  4. Eric says:

    I absolutely hated the tributes, so I wont miss those at all. Seriously, how much praise do these people really need for acting? Some were so pompous it felt like they were introducing someone into sainthood. However, I kind of liked the movie montages. I will miss those.

  5. Terry Letourneau says:

    I will likely be watching something else and eating Kraft Dinner as the multi millionaires prance around in their expensive clothing and jewelry as they receive $100,000 swag bags for just showing up.

  6. Norberto says:

    I really liked the testimonials, it gave a much emotional take to te awards and really disliked the best original songs perforances since that’s pretty never my type of music.

  7. Mark says:

    This is a good start. Now they need to ditch the 10 best pictures nominee BS. Watering down the highest award in film is inane.

  8. DAVE says:

    The testimonials were ridiculous-glad that’s gone. We all know a TON of stuff about each actor/actress-they’re famous after all. I don’t require anymore information about their career and their craft. Isn’t being nominated enough recognition? And why were other actors speaking on nominees’ behalf? It’s not like they went to high school together…
    I really dig the musical performances. Awesome that they brought those back.

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