There’s a new ‘Prime’ in town

Posted by on 28. 02. 2011in News Chat

There’s a new Prime in town to, presumably, help fend off the wickedness of the Decepticons as AICN has their hands on the cover to the latest Empire Magazine showcasing what seems to be the latest Autobot reveal.


I’m sure somebody is somewhere dissecting every pixel for some new details and information that can be discovered in this photo, (share them in the comments!), but the obvious best news in this photo is… Optimus finally has a respectable gun. I always thought that the hardware that Optimus Prime was packing was always a bit sub par for the leader of the Autobots.

I’m indifferent about the latest ‘Prime’ as his design seems like a weird mix of the Fallen from the last film and something I’ve seen in a Japanese anime. What do you guys think of the latest Prime?

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14 Responses to “There’s a new ‘Prime’ in town”

  1. jenniferjuniper says:

    Is Sentinel Prime suppose to be Alpha Trion? He certainly looks similar to the Alpha Trion from the comics and cartoons.

  2. 420BAND says:

    Dude’s sporting a beard!

    lOOk ,as long as they get more serious, loose the twins in most scenes, ditch the latino roomate, leave the “Nut Shot” (as in testacles)cam in the box, and keep mom off the brownies. I think well have a better movie on our hands. (GOOD THING!)

  3. Patrick says:

    I like that Scream 4 gets a shout out on the cover. Its going to be huge!

  4. Lawrence says:

    Sentinel Prime looks like he’s Optimus’s dad.. Am I right?

  5. Lawrence says:

    Wonder who will voice Sentinel Prime…. Morgan Freeman perhaps? James Earl Jones?

  6. knossis says:

    This needs to be more about the robots and less about the human drama. The Transformers are almost a subplot in there own movie. We only get to know Optimus and Megatron to a lesser degree. We know nothing about the other robots. The cartoon was all about there characterization and interaction. Give us a little bit more of that and a little less Sam, soldiers and government stooges and I’m there.

    • BIGSEXY says:

      Yes i agree with konssis comment whole heartedly Mr Bay is a great action director with great titles to his credit but here the robots are the subplot hes already sold out with the autobots being GM cars at least he can keep that side of the TRANSFROMERS story like the original heres hoping he does that in part 3 having said that ill still watch it at least 3 times lol

  7. art says:

    Looks good! From the small teaser released a couple months ago I thought this guy would be Unicron, but nice to see that he’s gonna be a Prime! Thats awesome! However I have very little faith in the movie as a whole. The last movie and its ridiculous humor, annoying twins, stoner mother, etc, all a big letdown. The RC Twins got about 8 seconds of screen time, Sideswipe about 15 seconds, and I didnt even know there was a Transformer named Volt till the very end when he upgrades Optimus. Lame!

    More robots and robot interaction, Michael Bay! Less humans!

  8. KevinKasper says:

    In the comics, Sentinel Prime was the immediate predecessor of Optimus Prime, and he dies in single combat with Megatron on Cybertron, and passes the matrix of leadership on to Optimus. Ill be interested to see what Bay does with the character here

  9. Cole says:

    Wait I’m confused. How can there be multiple Primes? I thought that the Autobot who had possession of the Matrix of Leadership was the one true Prime? They can’t both be Primes at the same time.

    • Rodney says:

      There have been many variations on the Transformer franchise that dictate that “Prime” is a rank, not an absolute.

      No one has ever said their cannot be more than one Prime.

      Only the North American G1 animated series had a “Matrix of Leadership” that passed on the title.

  10. Mister Mortombachman says:

    He doesn’t look anything like the fallen.

  11. Ratio says:

    Everyone has to remember that the movies are not the comics, they don’t mimic them in the slightest.

    They are more of a revamp of the comics, created in a different or more modern idium, so to compare one of the Transformers created by Bay to one created in the comics, is a bit silly, they will always be different, and more adaptable for a mass movie loving audience

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