Spider-man Overload

Posted by Anthonyon 04. 02. 2011in News Chat

There was once a time when details surrounding a movie were guarded and carefully coveted secrets that weren’t revealed until opening night at your local movie theater… NOT ANYMORE! Coming Soon has managed to get a TON of images from a, seemingly, small fight scene with the webhead and some average looking thug.

Via Coming Soon.net

We’ve seen a lot of this movie recently without actually seeing a trailer so I’ll still try to reserve judgment on this movie. I want to like this movie simply because I am a die-hard Spider-Man fan and will be for the rest of my life. I have serious reservations about the costume design and the overall look of Spider-Man utilizing the air brushed muscles, but I hope to be pleasantly resolved by the time I actually get to see this movie on screen. What do you guys think of Spidey’s look? Is it just me?

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Anthony who has written 32 posts on The Movie Blog

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16 Responses to “Spider-man Overload”

  1. knossis says:

    This stuff is really winning me over. If the story is good. I think they’ll have a winner, even with the costume. Less CGI equals awesome!

  2. James says:

    To be completely honest, I don’t like the look of the costume one bit. The Raimi films, to me, just nailed the perfect look of Spider-Man’s costume.

    I know that this is suppose to be a new take on the franchise but here’s my motto for the filmmakers and costume designers, If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!

    The reason I think they keep releasing so many picture of the new outfit is, so that on opening night the public won’t be too horribly disgusted by the new costume. lol

    • Karl says:

      I agree with James on not liking the look. What is with the cod piece?

      • Rodney says:

        I imagine with the spread eagle stunt being performed in these shots, I would prefer to be wearing a cup too!

      • knossis says:

        Looks like Spidey’s Black Doodle of Death down there though. Also I didn’t notice the airbrushed muscles until Anthony mentioned it. Not crazy about the costume but I really like the fact that they are actually doing most of the stunt work with out CGI. I liked the other movies but, you knew Spidey was CGI most of the time. If they give us a good story, I can get over the costume.

    • ReyningDevil says:

      Amen to that bro, Amen to that!!

    • SuperHeroNerd says:

      I agree with you James, the costume is not winning me over right now. I just hope the story line kicks some major butt, and the actors do a descent job. Because honestly that is the only thing that could encourage me to see this movie at this point. I think right about Raimi’s costume as well, it was an almost perfect depiction from the comics I think.

  3. Peter says:

    That’s the last time I’ll watch this behind the scenes stuff. Waiting for a proper trailer.

  4. Steven says:

    Why is the crotch black?

  5. matty says:

    there certainly does seem to be significant wearing in the crotchal area…

  6. Darren says:

    I saw these pix earlier today and didn’t post on ‘em because I thought it was a big joke (and aside from there is more movie news out there) because not only does this outfit look next to nothing like what we saw in the pervious Garfield shots, that codpiece - followed by that last pic of, ahem, a spread, has pisstake written all over it. And this flick is in 3D, let’s not forget THAT, folks!

    But as the day went on, everyone’s been saying these are legit. If this turns out to be the truth, I don’t give a hoot- I don’t want anymore bitching about how bad Spider-Man 3 was or how bad Raimi’s 4th with the Vulture may have sounded…The Vultchy would have gotten more respect.

    So would Kristen Dunst, for that matter.

    I still think these might be fake or simply early costume tests.
    See? I’m being optimistic here…

  7. Scott says:

    Piss, It’s just not right to do a re-boot so soon. Still hope it works though as I’m a big fan of spidey on the big screen.

  8. James says:

    I was just showing my sisters, ages 12 & 13, these pictures and they kept saying that Spider-Man looks like some sort of alien. They also agreed that the costume from the previous films was sooo much better looking.

    I think his groin area is a different color cause he’s trying to make it stand out, and to give villains a heads up on where NOT to hit.

  9. Antwon says:

    Im with you i want to like this so much but i just cant get over the suit. its close…..but not enough.

  10. Mr. James says:

    I’ve been on the fence about the suit since they released the first pics of it because something kept nagging at the back of my mind about the design. For some reason I liked it but not because it was Spiderman. Recently it came to me. The suit reminds me more of the suit from Spiderman 2099 than the classic suit we’ve all came to love. There’s something about the ratio of blue to red and the crazy way the colors intersect. Anyone agree, disagree?

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