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February 10, 2011

Shane Black to Direct Iron Man 3?

— Posted by Hollywood Slinky

Marvel is talking to Shane Black (“Kiss Kiss Bang Bang”) about taking over the empty chair left by Jon Favreau on Iron Man 3.

The Hollywood Reporter shares:

Shane Black is in contention to direct Iron Man 3 for Marvel Studios.

The writer/director has powwowed with Marvel execs about his take on the third installment in the blockbuster franchise. As of now he is being considered for the directing job, but the assumption is that if he gets the gig, he would also write a draft.

I think Black is an experienced, decent, director, with some classic action films on his writing resume ( “Lethal Weapon,” “The Last Boy Scout,” “The Monster Squad”). Could be a fresh eye behind the lens to keep this series jumping! As long as no one shouts, “Iron Man’s got nads!” :)

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who has written 57 posts on The Movie Blog

The Hollywood Slinky has lived in Los Angeles, Chicago and Chattanooga. The Slinky attended film school at Columbia College in Chicago, is one of the creators and host of the film-centered podcast Lights Camera Cleveland and is currently a public relations specialist for a multi-million dollar corporation. Mostly, though, he just loves movies.

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  • Aaron

    what is iron man going to do this time and will robert downey jr play him once again???

  • isaiah

    as a native American i am offended by the use of powwowed, pretty sure you could have used a different term

    • Ian Fay

      Slinky didn’t use the word, he was merely quoting another site bud, he didn’t and wouldn’t mean to offend you or anyone.
      It was quoted from hollywood reporter.

      • isaiah

        oh ok, im sorry, i withdraw my comment and sorry

      • Ian Fay

        It’s alright dude, you were offended and told us, you had every right. We’re friendly approachable guys! Theres certainly no need for apologies.
        I hope you continue to enjoy the site too!

      • isaiah

        well im just apologizing for calling him out on an mistake i made, but this is some good news for Iron Man

  • Rodney

    He knows action, he knows adventure. And he has worked with Downey before.

    I am cool with this if it happens.

    I wonder if Favs will still play Happy Hogan even though he isn’t directing?

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