Little Vader and the Volkswagon

Posted by Rodneyon 02. 02. 2011in News Chat

A number of people have been passing this VW Commercial around my facebook today and I have to admit it is made of awesome.

This kid has so much expression in his tiny form. I just love that shock and realization when he thought he used the force. Priceless.

How many of you waved your hand at the grocery store entrance as the doors automatically swayed open and mentally wished you didn’t know you were not using the Force?

And just once in a while you reach out to something that is too far away and focused ever so carefully hoping it would leap into your hand? Ashamed Yoda is of your training.

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Rodney who has written 8663 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Little Vader and the Volkswagon”

  1. tzaylor says:

    das ist gut

  2. fritzilla says:


    Waving the hands at the automatic grocery store doors has never left me, even as an adult. I do it out of habbit. It’s funny cause I forgot I go it till I read your comment!

    • Roman says:

      I am totally with you on opening automatic doors at stores and supermarkets. That stuff will never leave me.

      • 420BAND says:

        Elevators too! (and the metal is even more intimidating)

        I use the force all the time (and even splash some magneto in there as well!)

  3. knossis says:

    Pretty Funny!

  4. Lucky says:

    LOL!!! Awesome!!!!

  5. ReyningDevil says:

    I still reach out to bottles without getting off my bed!!

  6. Ryan says:

    My aunt used to used to hide her garage opener whenever we went into her house, and she’d say these ‘magic words’ to open up the garage and wave her right hand around… all the while her left was secretly pressing the button to open the garage. I legitimately thought she was magic for years and years and years. LOL. When I found out she wasn’t, it was a little like finding out Santa Clause wasn’t real.

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