Hugh Jackman Piles on Pounds for The Wolverine

Posted by on 03. 02. 2011in News Chat

Hugh Jackman has been asked by director Darren Aronofsky to bulk up more then ever for The Wolverine. He wants him to resemble the short stocky comic book version more.
“I don’t know how much I want to give away about it, but Darren said with the last [film], ‘Hey you looked great, but you’re so tall that in those long shots you looked kind of like Clint Eastwood, and that’s not Wolverine.’ He said that Wolverine, in the comics, is powerful, stocky, you know, he’s short and thick. So he said, ‘I want you to go there, get bigger.’ Yeah, he’s thick and it’s chunky and it’s powerful. I always think of Mike Tyson when he first came on the scene. Sometimes, he was a full foot shorter than his opponents and bent over [with this] massive build. There’s real power. [Like a] bulldog, and that’s it exactly. Exactly. That’s what I’m going for, and if I have a massive heart attack first, well, you tell everyone what I was going for.”

So far Hugh is 20 pounds heavier then he was in the last film, thats quite a lot! He’s eating 6’000 calories a day!! I’m guessing wolverine is gunna be pretty intimidating in the new flick, throwing his weight around. I thought he was pretty huge in Origins, so I dread to think what he’ll be like now.

Is there any other superheroes you guys would like to be portrayed more like they are in their comics?
Via Hero Complex

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20 Responses to “Hugh Jackman Piles on Pounds for The Wolverine”

  1. middleman says:

    Clint Eastwood would have actually been a pretty good Wolverine back in the day. Either him or Steve McQueen.

    I’m excited about this film. Wolverine #1 was pretty weak, but not because of Hugh Jackman. It was fun even with a weak script and director. Plus, it was the origin stories which are hit or miss even in good hands.

    This one has a strong director and a basis which should produce a good story.

  2. knossis says:

    I wish they would get Superman right, and stop focusing so much on his alien side. They need to have him embody his human qualities which are due to him being raised by the Kents in Kansas. Clark Kent first and Superman second. He shouldnt act like a buffoon as Clark because Clark isn’t some secret identity, Clark is who he is at his core. Superman is the mask. Make Superman a farm boy from Kansas and people will relate to the character better. If they keep focusing on Krypton and the fish out of water story, who on earth can really relate to that. As far as Wolverine goes, I like were they are heading with this. It makes sense and at least Aronofsky knows the source material.

    • DAVE says:

      I tend to agree (though I don’t know why we’re talking about Superman in this post). The not-always-stellar-but-still-pretty-awesome television show Lois and Clark definitely characterized Clark/Superman in this way. Clark was the primary character and Superman was his alter ego. Now was Dean Cain the best actor to pull on the tights? No. But I found the portrayal of character in this series to be the most relatable and downright likable version of the Man of Steel to date.
      Also, I’ve always liked the concept that Lois Lane was in love with Superman from the get-go, but Clark wanted her to love the mortal version of him.

      Oh yeah, and I should probably comment on the actual post…uh, yeah, stocky Wolverine would be cool.

  3. Jordan says:

    YEESSS!!!! This is exactly what I was saying they should be doing for the Wolverine character. My exact thoughts were that Hugh Jackman nailed the Wolverine character, he just needed to have a lot more ripped mass to embody wolverine perfectly.

    Fucking EXCITED!

    • Ian Fay says:

      I think they want him kinda chubby too, just a lil if you get me, as well as hairier then ever.
      As long as they don’t give him the retarded hair from the first movie and keep it like it was in Xmen Oranges: Tangerine, I’ll be happy

  4. 420BAND says:

    Darren’s style will be all over this and I’m gettin’ pumped by the thought of what he’ll do.

    this post further cements my hope!

    Bizerker Attack please!

  5. Mister Mortamobachman says:

    Shouldn’t they just choose a different actor. Jackman was good, but he was always too tall.

    • 420BAND says:

      Little late now bub!

      and one more thing on the flick: No Black-eyed Peas on set please!!!!!

      • Ian Fay says:

        Seconded. Bad acting and watch how he holds his budweiser, he clearly moves it round so you can see the logo.
        I understand product placement and all, but dont be so blatant!

        Id love to see liev schriber (or however you spell it) again, fantastic sabertooth

      • 420BAND says:

        Yeah, Leiv was the only quality performance next to Hugh’s in that silly little ditty, Dont get me started on the HACK job they did on Deadpool/weapon xyz or whatever that fiasco was. and Ryan Reynolds is TOO partially responsible IMO.
        But what were they thinking with Will I AM (not an actor).
        shit lost all kinds of cred with that move. Would love to see Gambit come back though-and the actor did a good job IMO

      • Rodney says:

        Side note about product placement. Can labels are designed so that the drinking hole is aiming towards the “back” label of the can. You have to rotate the can so that you can drink from it.

        That product placement is not only for the film, but its planned marketing that anyone in a movie, bar or backyard picnic will be sporting the can with the brand name logo out.

        Just sayin.

      • Ian Fay says:

        Haha I understand Rodney, its natural advertisment and all, but it was a bottle he was drinking, so it doesn’t matter how you hold it, yano? I just remember him shuffling it blatantly to show the logo, just felt unatural and breaks my concentration every time.

        Also, gotta get me some of that delicious Budweiser. No idea why its stuck in my head like….

      • Darren says:

        Ah-hah!! Now I know what folks hated so much about The Last Stand! There was NO Dr. Pepper in it!!! Hahaha!

    • Rodney says:

      Wolverine’s height in the comics vs Jackman’s height never took away from the character - in fact that he does the character so well that his height doesn’t matter at all.

      And after 4 films of Jackman playing Wolverine, I dont want to see them switch just because he is too tall.

      • Knossis says:

        I agree. Jackman’s height became a none issue because he got the essence of the character right. Are we going to switch to a shorter actor just so someone can call him runt in the next movie? Things are fine with Jackman as wolverine.

      • Anti-Septic says:

        I was ok with Jackman as is also, dont see the need to pack on the pounds after so many films. He has already established the character, just need a better script this time I think.

  6. TheSwede says:

    Quick question: Do we have any idea what the story is? Is it a direct followup on origin or has Aronofsky a new idea in mind?

    I agree with Jackman being the obvious choice to go with here, After reading all the above posts I realized that the only good thing in Origins is Jackman and I hope that’s the only thing they take with them in the next one (Liev was good but I don’t think they need Sabretooth again)

    • knossis says:

      I’m not sure but I think it has something to do with his time spent in Japan learing the ways of the Samurai. The Hand might be in it as well. Rodney would know for sure though. I don’t think it’s a direct sequel to Origins. They may jump forward in time, change the style and tone of the new film so that we’ll all, in time, forget Origins as screen cannon.

  7. B A T M A N says:

    That’s when you know an actor is truly dedicated to his craft. Just like Christian Bale in The Machinist and Fighter.

  8. clambake says:

    I really don’t think Jackman needs to bulk up any more for this movie. He looked just fine in the other X-Men films and so what if he does look like Clint Eastwood. He’s a star and has a fan base that will see the film and enjoy it even if he doesn’t look exactly like the comic book character. In fact, I think a lot of his fans will not like the super beefed up look and will be longing for his more lean, muscled look as in previous films. It is not healthy for these actors to yo-you with their weight, it can cause permanent health problems for them in the future.

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