What’s Your Favourite Sports Bio-Pic Movie?

Posted by Darrenon 05. 01. 2011in News Chat

‘The Fighter’ has landed many accolades and Oscar buzz for Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale. It’s landing in many best ten lists of the past year. Ahwatukee.com, which covers mostly sports, occasionally talks about sports in films. ‘The Fighter’ is not only given high marks, but they call it ‘one of the best athlete bio- pics ever made. It’s quite possible other reviewers and sites are walking along the same lines. I’m not going to quote the site, it’s only a film review itself. But it got me thinking, just for fun, what are the favorite bio-pics concerning a sports athlete?

It doesn’t have to be boxing, it could be football, baseball, or any sport. But it has to be around an individual, and not a team or coach.

“Invincible” which also starred Wahlberg, is one of my favorites. What’s yours?

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Darren who has written 12 posts on The Movie Blog

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23 Responses to “What’s Your Favourite Sports Bio-Pic Movie?”

  1. Andrew says:

    For a long time, it was the original Karate Kid with Ralph Macchio for me, that is, until I saw The Fighter, and that knocked The Karate Kid off the top of my list. So, it’s The Fighter now.

  2. Tom says:

    It’s hard for me to choose between Major League and Bull Durham. I guess it would be Major League.

    • Tom says:

      Sorry, didn’t read the last part about “not being about a team”. I guess mine would have to be Rockey then.

      • Darren says:

        That’s okay. Nobody seemed to read the highlighted part either.
        Here’s a hint: Rocky is fictional.

  3. Haywood Jabowmi says:

    Rudy was good

  4. 420BAND says:

    Rudy, Victory (not sure it qualifies), and John Goodmans Babe Ruth

  5. Scott says:

    Cobb was good but I don’t know much about baseball as Im from the UK.

  6. Phil says:

    I loved the Fighter, but it’s no Raging Bull. I don’t think any sports bio-pic is in the same class.

    • Roman says:

      It is totally Raging Bull. When Bobby D was leaning agains the ropes all beat to hell and he looks at Sugar Ray and says “You didn’t knock me down Ray”
      That was powerful, he was saying you may be the greatest boxer ever but you couldn’t break my spirit.

      • Zach says:

        Agreed. It’s not even close. As far as sports biopics go, “Raging Bull” is the absolute best.

  7. Doug says:

    Without Limits (the story of Steve Prefontaine), Rudy, and Cindarella Man.

    • Kevin C says:

      There were two of these, is Without Limts the one with Billy Crudup and Donald Sutherland? If so, that is the one I like better. Good call though, that was a great story.

      I know Miracle is a team story, but still deserves mention.

      The Fighter is really an amazing film, the story is good, the performances are special…

      • Doug says:

        Kevin, Without Limits is the Billy Crudup one. The other one was called Prefontaine, with Jared Leto starring. It was ok - told the story, but I agree, Without Limits was far superior.

  8. Michael V Banno says:

    I like Miracle.

  9. Corey says:

    The WaterBoy (YES I understand all of the ways that it doesn’t fit but I still don’t care)

  10. coatessteven says:

    I enjoyed The Rookie starring Dennis Quaid, seeing a bloke fulfil his dreams of becoming a pro athlete at 35 (or whatever he was) still gives me hope!

  11. AAH says:

    The Blindside

  12. Jason says:

    Rudy & ALI…

  13. Roman says:

    You guys do know that Rudy is fiction, it is based loosly on facts but most of that didn’t happen.

  14. Kevin C says:

    Well, then The Fighter is fiction too, because Ward never got knocked down in the WBU title fight and Dicky Eklund didnt jump out a window every time someone knocked on the door…

  15. ramsey says:

    it may not be bio pic, but it does have alot of truth in it, my fav is any given sunday. it was real, intense, and had really good acting.

  16. MADMAX_007 says:

    Greatest INDIVIDUAl sports biopic IMO is ALI. All-time greatest sports biopic is FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!!!!

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