Tron Arts and Crafts.

Posted by on 04. 01. 2011in News Chat

So you’re a bit penny pinched and didn’t go out to your local toy store to buy the “Tron : Legacy” merch. It seems that The Mouse House understands your troubles in these dour times. While they probably won’t look as sleek as a knick-knack on the computer desk, who knows…they might make a nice substitute until you get the real décor…if nothing else, the activity might keep you and/or the younger set occupied.

From the good folks at /Film:

The Disney Family website has some templates and instructions so that you can fold your way into ownership of Kevin Flynn, Sam Flynn and Clu’s Light Cycles, a Recognizer and more. Printing out the instructions are the easy part, however. After that, things get incredibly difficult. Each printout is very detailed and folding has to be precise.

Neat stuff. I don’t think there is a 3-D set of the Disc Fight Arena nor a Quarra cardboard standup display. It’s the thought that counts. Now go get your glue and don’t get greasy fingers.

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One Response to “Tron Arts and Crafts.”

  1. Peter B. says:

    Just watched Tron on a DVD. At first I don’t believe the ratings and reviews, now I can honestly say that movie really is a crap..But great job on mirroring those designs.

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