New Image of Captain America in Action!

Posted by Ian Fayon 16. 01. 2011in News Chat

A new still from Captain America popped up on GeekTyrant and It looks pretty cool! When I first saw the suit earlier this week here, I was worried he might have been a bit stiff, but no, look at him go! The one thing he needs in that pic is the sheild. I wonder how the Avengers outfit will differ…

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Ian Fay who has written 33 posts on The Movie Blog

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17 Responses to “New Image of Captain America in Action!”

  1. Kevin C says:

    I like the suit, but it seems like it should have been more fitted in the shoulders. He looks a little like a kid wearing his older brothers dinner jacket. Coudl be the shot or the angle, but other than that, it looks good.

  2. 420BAND says:

    Please be good.please be good. please be good.

  3. J Cribbs says:

    This looks more like a screenshot from the videogame.

  4. HDpunk says:

    the suit looks too big in this picture

    • knossis says:

      Actually it fit’s pretty much like all military BDU (Battle Dress Uniforms)Army or Cammies for the Marines. None of them fit tight in an effort to give you more room for movement. Just look at the should portion as a field jacket which are bulky looking but loose fitting. The pants are loose as they should be and made out of a breathable material. All of it is pretty accurate.

  5. jackrhien says:

    The image is fake. Looking at it, I notice a couple things:

    1) The angle that cap is running at is off.
    2) Contrast and quality between cap and the backdrop, plus direction of the lighting on objects are off.
    3) You can see that certain things weren’t properly cut off (especially at the boot.

    • Ian Fay says:

      Oh come on guys, its not from the video game, its too detailed. You can see that he is gripping the railing, and its a still from the film sourced from LA Times.

      Its not fake

      • jackrhien says:

        Major news publishers have been duped before (remember Dan Rather and the “record” involving Bush). And also, he isn’t gripping the hand rail. His hand is open, positioned alongside the hand rail. I might be wrong, but it just doesn’t look like a legitimate pic. The grainy footage obscures some of it, but you can see a lot of the faults if you look at it more carefully. I’m not saying the pic of him running is fake. I’m saying the that the pic of him running was photoshopped into another backdrop.

      • knossis says:

        I agree with Ian it’s not a fake. That’s the suit and that’s Chris Evans wearing it. It is not the video game! Check the web for screenshots of the game, the game isn’t even close to this in quality.

  6. Flyer71 says:

    Whatever this is, it is heavily Photoshopped.

  7. Ben says:

    Hi MovieBloggers,

    My personal opinion is that the pic is official, but that it is the stunt double and the stunt suit. That’s why the suit looks so odd.

    I’m lookin forward to this movie.


  8. Jordan says:

    Definitely does not look like a real photo.

    Perhaps its a shot from a CG cut scene in the game.

  9. Ian Fay says:

    Its certainly not from the videogame. If anything, the background may be shopped, but the Cap is real.

    Wheres Rodney, he’s the resident Graphic man. Whats your take dude?

    • J Cribbs says:

      The Cap is the least real looking thing in the picture. In high-resolution screens, his skin in this picture is entirely one shade. Not even people wearing ridiculous amounts of make-up have one-shade skin.

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