Looks like JP4 slipped into production

It’s been a very long time since any news has surfaced about the long rumored but never detailed Jurassic Park 4 and today Worst Previews is showing off the following pic supposedly taken at a Universal Studio’s backlot suggesting that the movie is already in production.

I think this is some pretty exciting news as some of my favorite memories in a theaters were when I was watching the iconic dinosaurs rampaging through the 2 tropical islands from the first trilogy. With Joe Johnston winding down on his duties with Captain America it comes as little surprise that he may begin formulating ideas for the next installment in Jurassic Park. I’d love to see some good velociraptor action on the silver screen again as I’ve enjoyed all 3 installments of the original trilogy, to varying degrees, and have yet another movie to keep an eye out for in the future. Anyone else ready to return to Jurassic Park?

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