Judi Dench To Return as ‘M’ In Bond 23

Posted by Ian Fayon 28. 01. 2011in News Chat

Dame Judi Dench has confirmed she will return to play M in the next Bond film, due November 2012. She was asked what she could say about the film and (expectedly) had this to say:
“Nothing… my lips are sealed. I can’t tell you anything at all! Of course, I’m looking forward hugely to working with Daniel [Craig] again and with Sam [Mendes] who I’ve only ever worked with in the theatre. So that’ll be all good fun to do! I’m so glad it’s coming back, it’s wonderful.”

I’m thrilled! I love her version of M, a roll she’s made her own since Pierce Brosnan’s time in Goldeneye in 1995.
Since Casino Royale, I feel Daniel Craig and Judi Dench have fantastic screen chemistry, and a Bond 23 without her would be at a loss.
What are you guys expecting from the next Bond?

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Ian Fay who has written 96 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Judi Dench To Return as ‘M’ In Bond 23”

  1. Chrisc says:

    I think Quantum of Solace was a bit much, and would like the feel to be more along the lines of Casino Royal. But who wouldn’t? st stating the obvious here.

  2. EZELL says:

    Judy Dench is so hot I love watching her on the screen.

  3. fullmetal_medji says:

    I’m curious on why MGM/UA never released Bond films in summer. It seems like those films would do more business in that season.

  4. Andrew says:

    If Judi Dench ever were to pass on or to announce that she was retiring, who do you think should play her next? Personally, since the original M was a man, I think they should go back to having M as a man, maybe played by Hugh Laurie. I could totally see Hugh Laurie as a potential replacement for Judi Dench should that come to pass.

  5. Glapp says:

    Good lord no, Andrew. No. Absolutely not. No. No way in hell. No.

    • Rodney says:

      Are you against Dench as M? Or reacting to the above commenter suggesting someone else in the job?

      Its not like they would be saying Dench never was, just that someday her character will retire due to the actor retiring, and the agency will need a new M.

      • party marty says:

        I would say he is against Hugh Laurie in the role, not against the role being recast at all.

  6. Daniel says:


    Why are you so against Hugh Laurie being M? Or are you against them goign back to a man version? Laurie is a great actor and would most likely make a great M.

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