Incredibly Brief look at Captain America.

Posted by on 03. 01. 2011in News Chat

A very quick teaser of the upcoming Captain America: The First Avenger turned up on Superherohype, which I’ve linked below.

Now I know it doesnt show much, but I’m guessing we aren’t far from a full length trailer at this stage, especially if theyre showing behind the scenes clips. I have no idea whether or not be be excited for this film, so I’m waiting for the trailer. However, Joss Whedon was involved with the script, so you never know!

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11 Responses to “Incredibly Brief look at Captain America.”

  1. Roman says:

    That little shot showed me a lot. Chris had this look to him like, who am I, I am just an ordinary guy in an extraordinary position. Now I too need to see more but that 6 secs gave me a glimmer of hope.

    • Ian Fay says:

      Perhaps. Its interesting how different people react to such short teasers. What would you like to see in the film?

      • Roman says:

        I want to see Captain America played the way I know him in my mind after reading (and owning) all of his comics going back to 1970. He is a guy who only sees himself as a soldier like his brother in arms but everyone expects so much from him. It is his inner turmoil and he draws on it because he doesn’t want to let his fellow soldiers or his country down. He embodies the 40′s United American Spirit versus the axis of evil. Fast forward to the future as a guy who doesn’t think he fits in untill he realizes that his people still very much need him.

        Eyes tell everything about a performace, bad actors can look detatched or out of sync. His eys looked like whats all the fuss when his fellows were pelting him with praise, That made me excited. Captain America is definately an awe shucks guy.

  2. dannyboy says:

    i still have my fingures crossed, we still havent seen him in the full captain america costume and the only shield we have seen is the kite shield, cant wait till we see him whielding the round shield. I have huge hopes for this movie, i hope it dosent disapoint us fans.

  3. knossis says:

    I think the trailer will tell us more. I’m hoping they get the WWII feel right. If they get that right, it wil go a long ways to setting the tone of the film. Cap’s fighting style and movement need to also be unique, something that sets him apart from your average boxer or martial artist. His strenght needs to be seen as well. Hopefully the director understands this and gets it right. If not, this movie will just be a souped of version of the 1990′s film.

    • Ian Fay says:

      I only learned earlier today there even WAS a 90s version. What was it like?

      • knossis says:

        I saw it while I was stationed in Germany. It was one of those movies not unlike the Fantastic Four film made around the same period which was made just to keep the rights to the character. I think the actor’s name was Matt Salinger. The guy had a plastic shield and rubber suit and no muscles. His adversary was the Red Skull. It wasn’t good or bad, it was just there. As a big Cap fan I had to sit through it and dream of what could have been. Hopefully this movie will change all of this though. Ian, google Matt Salinger and images of the movie will come up. Happy hunting.

      • Ian Fay says:

        Just saw some pictures there. Hey, at least he had the wings!

      • giantguy1321 says:

        I had the 90′s Captain America movie on VHS and trust me it was pretty bad! Bad acting, poor storyline, terrible portrayl of The red skull and rubber ears on Cap’s costume. It had a made for TV feel. However (that said) it wasn’t as bad as the 90′s Fantastic four. Did you know there was a feature length Generation X TV series pilot. It was really corny, but wasn’t as bad as I expected.

  4. knossis says:

    Yeah, you’re right at least they were faithful in that regard. They pretty much kept the suit just like it is in the comics. I think they are going to play off of this in the new movie. The suit Cap is given to wear at the USO tours is going to look somewhat like the comic book version. Steve Rodgers thinks it looks corny and chooses to hide it under the brown leather overcoat when he is forced into battle.

  5. Hazmat says:

    HA! you just brought up the 90s version and i shit my pants laughing. that was almost as bad as the 90s fantastic four movie that never came out.

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