Green Lantern’s Guardians

Posted by Anthonyon 25. 01. 2011in News Chat

Seems today is the lucky day for those who wanted a closer look at some of the staple characters in the Green Lantern movie as we finally get a look at the Guardians of the Universe who are also the creators of the Green Lantern Corps and their Central Power Battery. The Daily Blam happened to get the scoop, on what looks like a target render, of the Guardians as well as possible plot spoilers.

Via Daily Blam

Those are some mighty tall Guardians! Really wasn’t too much of an unexpected look for the guardians but I am curious as to where all the other Guardians are hiding. The one in the middle must be Ganthet and I guess the one on the left could be Sayd and so far I’m pretty pleased with their appearances. The real bombshell is this snippet of a synopsis below.

…With the encouragement of fellow pilot and childhood sweetheart Carol Ferris (Blake Lively), if Hal can quickly master his new powers and find the courage to overcome his fears, he may prove to be not only the key to defeating Parallax…he will become the greatest Green Lantern of all.

I’m trying really hard to be optimistic about this movie but I will finally admit that I am not really thrilled with a lot. I will still try to let the Green Lantern costumes “grow on me” but I have to admit that I’m disappointed that Parallax is the villain of the film. I’m disappointed for numerous reasons as there seems to be multiple villains with Hector Hammond still being a factor and the seeming slow buildup of Sinestro’s expulsion from the corps, but also because Parallax isn’t just a run of the mill villain like Hector Hammond or even Sinestro. Parallax is the living entity of fear which, in the comics, was a redefining villain for Green Lantern. I guess I’m just disappointed that Parallax won’t seemingly have the same effects on Hal’s life as he did in the comics as his story had a much slower build up in the comics culminating in Hal going crazy and destroying the Green Lantern Corps and their central battery by himself.

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Anthony who has written 23 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “Green Lantern’s Guardians”

  1. 420BAND says:

    This whole thing has a funky stench to it…really sucks huh?

  2. Ian Fay says:

    Aww man, thats not Ganthet… That middle guardian looks like he’s sucking a lemon while smelling a bad fart… Bleh, i am unimpressed.

    (big GL fan)

  3. Lawrence says:

    They should’ve carbon copied the Guardians from the comics… The Guardians look like midgets in the comics… these movie versions look otherwise.

  4. TyStorm says:

    As a GL pureist I have to admit unleashing something as profound as Parralax in the first movie incarnation
    seems a little premature, however like Anthony already stated it took years to build up to the “fear entity” storyline in the comics.
    A luxury movies don’t have, I like the look of the Guardians, non comic geek audiences would have a hard time accepting little blue dudes and dudette, as they would a notquitesobadass villain as Hector Hammond. Remember Iron Man ?
    No real character led villain to speak of, it seems WB are taking a leaf out of Marvel’s first incarnation franchise book.

    I’m counting down the days for this movie just to hear that oath, and see Jordan throwing some green shapes !

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