‘Ghostbusters 3′ script done?

Posted by Darrenon 10. 01. 2011in News Chat

Not that anyone was holding their breath, but according to Ivan Reitman, the script for the (*cough*cough*) long awaited ‘Ghostbusters 3′ has been completed.

Reelz Channel brings us this spooky news:

Ivan Reitman, who directed the first two Ghostbusters, just made children of the 80s squeal when he announced a script for a third Ghostbusters was finished and has been sent to none other than Mr. Bill Murray himself.

The fact that a third Ghostbusters is the works isn’t news but that fact that the script was just completed is.

As you probably guessed, I’m not that excited. I can hope it’s better than the ’89 sequel, I can hope for Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Ernie Hudson and Harold Ramis to return in some form, be it person or ghost. Of course, the concept is “Ghostbusters The Next Generation” so the report goes. I know there will be some love. I don’t want to be a skeptic.

But I am. I truly think this is the last hurrah- unless the original is remade. No, I don’t think it should be remade. I think things should just be left alone. They tried their best on the ’89 sequel, but they could not top The Stay Puft Marshmellow Man aka Gozer gooing up New York City. They ran out of story, and the Ecto-1 ran out of gas. I suppose the Busters of this gen would be more like SyFy’s silly reality show ‘Ghost Hunters’ and break out the proton packs when stuff gets out of hand…

I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. Is it?

Is anyone out there really pumped up over ‘Ghostbusters 3′ and the potential to be finally be made?

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Darren who has written 19 posts on The Movie Blog

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5 Responses to “‘Ghostbusters 3′ script done?”

  1. joe C says:

    I am really i like to think that stuff like this will be good but i can see where you are coming from

  2. bumbledoor says:

    i am pumped like a super soaker!!! i found the story for the game quite phenomenal, i have no doubt in my mind that the next outing on screen will be just as good if not better. the second film was sub par as far as movie sequels go, because people are always expecting bigger and better and further character development and what not, but as a ghostbusters story in and of itself, it was great.

  3. fullmetal_medji says:

    For a long time I was excited. Then I found out that the script was written by the same guys who wrote Year One. Now I could care less.

  4. Ram says:

    Fuck ya I’m excited! Did you play the game? it was amazing and could of been Ghostbusters 3 as far as the story goes. I’m uber geeked, and with murray acting the way he has been acting as of recently with the concept of GB 3 I doubt he would sign on if it feels like its gunna be another Ghodtbusters 2. I mean for nostalgia purposes alone please God let there be a Ghostbusters 3!!!!

  5. Ram says:

    Oh and btw I had been holding my breath, since I was 4…… jerk

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