Garfield’s Shiny Spider-Suit Hits The Web

Posted by on 13. 01. 2011in Headlines, News Chat

Last week there were a few behind the scenes photos of the Spider-Man reboot that few cared about because it was two actors having lunch during a break. Today is another ballgame. The first official image of Andrew Garfield in the Spidey suit has been released. Reelz Channel shares:

What’s striking about the image is just how different the new costume is from not only the comic book version of Spidey’s duds, but from the movie costume worn by Tobey Maguire in director Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy.

The four visible differences are: Garfield’s webbing is black, the spider emblem on the chest is different, the arms and gloves don’t apppear to connect, and the suit is a bit more reflective.

Below is a look see:

What do you think?

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"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

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45 Responses to “Garfield’s Shiny Spider-Suit Hits The Web”

  1. Cloud720 says:

    I wonder if they will show him make the costume this time.

  2. GODFATHER says:

    Why is the ink running? Cheap! LOL

  3. Ian Fay says:

    From what ive been reading around the web, it looks like peter got into a fight with probably his uncles killer (hence the intense look, dirty clothes, ripped spidey sign).

    Another interesting nugget is if you zoom in at his wrists you can see metal circles. Seems like he has web shooters this time perhaps.

    Don’t believe me? Find a good quality version of the image, and zoom. The metal is unmistakable if you ask me.

    But don’t ask me. I’ve been awake for 40 hours.

  4. hazmat says:

    Um the claw marks on his chest that fucked up the spider symbol was obviously from the lizard.

    Cbm already showed closeups and yes… they’re web shooters.

    The suit looks cool, but the suit isn’t what will sell it… I want to see the mask. Until I see the mask I’m keeping my mouth shut about the suit.

  5. Ryan says:

    I’m almost shocked at how excited I am about this movie; I was horrified when I first heard they weren’t going with Raimey. The talent they’ve hired, from the actors to the directors, has definitely helped ease those fears…

    As for the costume… looks fine to me. Interesting they’re going with the web tool thingy. I always thought that was kind of stupid (for one thing, I never found it believeable a high school kid could invent it), but it can make fight scenes more interesting — adding another factor of something that can ‘go wrong.’

    • NoLa says:

      It’s only believable because Peter Parker is like the 7th smartest person in the entire Marvel universe. He’s a complete genius.

  6. Art says:

    I am SO excited about this film. Andrew Garfield blew me away in The Social Network and he looks so awesome in this pic. So dark and contemplative. Emma Stone is gorgeous and a great actor, not like Dunst. Horrible. Worthless in the original series. Cant wait to see this!

  7. Mister Mortombachman says:

    So far I prefer the old suit.

  8. Ryan3D says:

    hmm looks like shit i wont go see this, how do you remake somthing 3-4 years later?

    • Rodney says:

      Well first, you get in a fight creatively with the director of the first 3 films, then when he walks and no one else is interested in being in the movie anymore, you just start over.

      You make it sound like they are raping children. Its a movie, and if they didn’t make another one they would lose the rights to the character. If they just continued with a new actors and director, it would feel like a whole new movie anyways.

      I don’t see the problem with a reboot.

      • MADMAX_007 says:

        But it does NOT follow The Movie Blog’s four rules to remaking/rebooting a movie. Are you contradicting yourself Rodney?

  9. Andrew says:

    I’m still reserving judgment for an official trailer. I mean, it could end up like Batman Begins and be an awesome movie that has a couple of awesome sequels, or it could end up like Superman Returns, satisfying, but not get a sequel. (By the way, I’m still pissed about Superman Returns not getting a sequel, I loved that movie, no matter what other people say.)

    • cloud720 says:

      I will be happy with this movie just as long as long as it gets a few things right. Like having the villian have something better than a real estate scheme. Or the Super hero not using his powers to spy on his ex girlfriend. Or a super hero that actually punches something. Or a super hero that doesnt have a super baby that throws a piano. Or a super hero that doesnt use his super identy to sleep with girls, and then not tell the girl that they sit across from them in a office everyday. And for that matter not have a super hero that only conceivable reason to have a secret identy is to know what it feels like to live a amonst humans but finds his best way to do that is to use hissuper identy to date, which ispart of the whole human experience. or the super hero having a weekness that cant stop him even if its an entire island of it. etc etc etc

      If this spider-man movie follows those rules, it could actualy be pretty good.

  10. HDpunk says:

    i can live with this as long as they dont change the mask

  11. Federico says:

    Does anyone know if they are going to tell how he gets his powers again?

  12. Geno says:

    Since Garfield is so slim it does make him look like a teen with powers. There are obvious changes to the costume but still recognizable, not bad. I will just have to wait and see more. But so far it looks cool.

  13. Anthony says:

    I’m going to do my best to reserve judgment until I see some footage, but I’m not a huge fan of redesigns to the classic costume.

    I like the spider-logo on the chest. reminds me of Sal Buscema’s take on the emblem.

  14. knossis says:

    I’m not liking this. The glove area alone looks to intricate for teenage boy to but together. It looks cheap and I don’t know why they would change the look of the costume when the previous movies show that the costume as seen in the comics could work on screen. The web shooters are cool but I still think Raimi got it right with the organic ones. A teenager designing web shooters and a super adhesive substance that dissolves in a matter of hours is a little much. Maybe the web shooters are containment devices for his organically produce web fluid. They may help him control the flow and shape of his webbing. Who knows?

    • Pman-67 says:

      I don’t get it. People have a problem with believing that a teenager could invent the web shooters, but they are fine accepting that the same teenager gets bitten by a radioactive spider and develops superpowers. Peter Parker is supposedly a brilliant kid with an intellect not too far off from guys like Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. It’s plausible if not probable that he could do it.

      I also find it funny that when Raimy first started his movies people were upset that he took away the web shooter, now they’re upset that they’re leaving them in. Talk about coming full circle.

      • knossis says:

        I can suspend disbelief on the radioactive spider. I find it hard to accept that a teenager just happens to develop a super adhesive web fluid in a timely fashion as to make up for the inability of his new found spidey powers to produce fluid organically. A teenager comes up with something that all the paid scientist at the Super glue Corporation hasn’t come up with yet. He does all this in his room, with limited funding. Yeah right! Not only is this stuff super adhesive, it has a tensile strength that is out of this world. He’s stopped moving cars with this stuff. Even if he did invent it, you know how much he’d have to spend to keep himself supplied with the stuff. He wouldn’t make enough as a photographer or web designer for the Bugle that’s for sure. When Stan Lee wrote this in the 60′s, having Peter create the fluid was convenient story telling. The story needs to be updated in some areas to fit our times. I can buy Peter designing the web shooters because they are mechanical in nature, the web fluid, not so much. For him to do that all by him self, he’d have to be Hank Pym or Reed Richards smart which he is not. In the comics he doesn’t even use his science smarts at all. What else has he invented since?

      • tzaylor says:

        I’m not into comics so I don’t know and don’t care about precedence, but organic web shooters make Spiderman Spiderman to me. I mean, if he can’t spin his own webs, then he may as well be called “jumping beetle man”.

      • Rodney says:

        Peter Parker gained the proportionate strength and agility of a spider. That was his powers. Regardless of your feelings for the source material, the movie is not absolute.

        It may be what you are more familiar with but it doesn’t change the source material, and they are adapting the comic book, not remaking Raimi’s spider-man.

    • Jamie says:

      But this happened in the comics. I don’t see a problem in being true to the original comic.

      • Pman-67 says:


        Many times in the comics Peter has been shown having money problems and struggling with the cost of being Spiderman. The cost of his webbing fluid and other equipment is a long running vehicle for the character. As far as other things he invented goes, his spider tracers come to mind. Miniature devices attuned to his spider sense. He’s also invented specials suits to counteract the powers of certain villains he’s fought.

        The current story line of the Amazing Spiderman has Peter working at a scientific think tank, so yes he does use his “science smarts” in the books. There have been several times when he’s worked alongside characters like Hank Pym, Tony Starks and Reed Richards and they’ve marveled or been surprised at his intelligence and scientific knowledge.

        Like Jamie said, it happened in the comics so I have no problem with it being in the movies. Part of what has made Marvel characters so popular is that they have real life struggles. Unlike most of DC major character, who all tend to be rich. Marvel’s characters have realistic problems, i.e., Spiderman’s money problems and Tony Stark’s drinking. Heck the Fantastic 4 is basically a dysfunctional family. Reed and Sue have constant marital problems, Ben and Johnny fight non-stop and the Franklin has almost destroyed the universe on more than one occasion.

      • knossis says:

        Pman-67 touche! Good arguments and good points. Damn! I totally forgot about the spidey tracers, and he tuned them to work with his Spider sense! The only thing that kept coming to mind was the spidey light that he had in his belt where he kept his extra web cartridges. I haven’t been following the comic every since Marvel began the Brand New Day cop out cause the writers felt they had written themselves into a corner with the reveal of Peter’s identity to the world.

        I don’t have a problem with any of the fantastical elements in the comic but this is a movie we’re talking about. A movie which not only has to meet fan boy sensibilities but those of the general none comic book reading public as well. They only have two hrs to tell this tale, things have to happen pretty quickly so due to these constraints, organic web shooters make more sense. It’s kinda funny that a character bitten by a radioactive spider would inherit all the abilites of said spider but the ability to organically produce webbing. I guess Stan Lee didn’t wan’t the Peter shooting webbing out of his ass.

  15. AAH says:

    why are people hating, the suit is awesome classic spiderman and andrew looks more like peter parker from the comics

  16. 420BAND says:

    Wow…O.K .I’m still digesting this I guess. Any change will throw us off a bit I guess. I for one am NOT against web shooters, I like tha element in this one and thought it was missing from Raimis version.

    like the gloves on suit, I t has a Scarlet Spider/2099 vibe to it, nothing major I guess, BUT the Mask is key.

    keep em comin’ thanks for look!

  17. Castle91 says:

    Looks fine, but as previously mentioned we need to see the mask. Garfield looks good. Parker’s supposed to be skinny and lean. The marks on the suit look like scorch marks. Probably just came from an explosion. Web-shooters or natural web doesn’t make much difference to me. But it good be a nice little scene with him building them, to really emphasize his genius, as well as the fact that this is a kid’s dream; to be a superhero. Of course, this picture also shows that they’ll be covering that it’s a nightmare as well.

  18. Steven says:

    Not a fan of the suit. They went for a modern look that will just end up looking like shit in 10 years…think about Batman & Robin.

    • Jamie says:

      That was just a shitty movie though, plain and simple. Hopefully this won’t fall into the suckiness that was Batman and Robin. At least the spidey suit doesn’t have nipples yet.

      • 420BAND says:

        Yeah, This has an Ultimate Spidey look to it with the skinny frame and all, and the colors are fine The Batman fiasco was all chestplates and shit and as the last dude said “Shitty Movie” as well.

        Feeling hopefull at this point.

      • Steven says:

        Why feel hopeful? Why would you want this movie to succeed?

        I won’t go see this movie. I refuse to give Sony money for rebooting one of the best super hero films of all time less than 10 years after it was released.

        What’s the fucking point?

      • 420BAND says:

        Whether it’s Sony, WB, MGM, Universal, Focus features, Who really cares?

        it’s probally never gonna go back to Marvel Studios at this point.(would you give it back?)

        So FUCK Yeah! I’m hopefull, hopefull that I’ll see them do it justice.
        Hopefull to see my favorite superhero on screen again.
        Hopefull to get a new take (Loved Raimis-But- everything evolves)on the character.
        Hopefull it’s better than part 3

        Nuff Said!

      • 420BAND says:

        1 last thing: Hopefull they get the Mask right.

      • knossis says:

        Hopeful they get the mask right too, cause the rest of the suit looks like poop! Maybe they’re going for the,”look a teenager made this!” look. If so then it’s right on the mark.

  19. 420BAND says:

    Remember this is just 1 photo! This might not even be the final suit. Remember Tobeys wrestling suit (spiderman) that looked like a red ninja t-shirt.

    chill folks…..JEEEESH!

  20. dannyboy says:

    the suit looks fine to me, i was not liking the fact that they were rebooting spiderman so soon with all new actors but with this 1 pic i have to admit they are on the right track. I will have to reserve final judgement until it comes out in theaters.

  21. captao says:

    I thought the suit looked really good. Absolutely perfect for what peter parker is supposed to look like…a geeky lean athletic superhero. Spiderman is definately my favourite superhero

    • captao says:

      ooops, wasnt finished that…..Definately my favourtie superhero and i loved the first 2 Raimey films and was entertained by the 3rd one but having said this i think the films can only get better. Tobey Maguire was an awful peter parker. He didnt have enough likeability, he didnt have the cheeky comments when fighting like spidey should. Dunst was an awful MJ. So far with the casting for the reboot i think they are spot on.

      P.S why does it matter if they are doing a reboot only 10 years after the “best superhero movie” (which was really a mediocre film enhanced by the fact we all love spidey) If anything people should be over the moon we dont have to see Maguire’s face on screen AND we get to watch our friendly neighbour hood spidey in another film. CANT WAIT FOR THIS TO COME OUT

      • 420BAND says:

        Hold on there sparky! Tobey was a good Peter Parker, what the writers did with him is not his fault entirely( little whimpy for some). I’ll give you guys MJ. BUT Tobey was cool in my book. in retrospect He was the best choice at the time. he was instantly likeable and showed great depth as Peter to me. Fuck all this “Hated Tobey” nonsense.

        my 2 cents

  22. MichoPower says:

    The Spiderman franchise was the biggest pile of shit superhero movies ever made. I for one am very happy they are going to reboot. Hopefully they don’t make PP/Spiderman a little bitch in this movie like he was in the other ones. To me, the existing Spiderman franchise is the Twilight of superhero movies! I like the costume and him being so disheveled in the picture is hopefully a sign of the ass kickery that will be in this movie. I so hope the Lizard is in it!

  23. knossis says:

    The way they had Tobey play the role so dead pan and uninterested is where they missed the mark. Although Peter may have not liked how chaotic Spider Man made his life in the comics, you got the feeling through his joking and lightheartedness that he liked being Spidey. Raimi never conveyed that in his films. Peter seemed as though he really disliked being Spidey.

  24. knossis says:

    Anybody else notice how the suit in the photo seems to be in two parts a top and a bottom. You see some red around Garfield’s waist. It may be that he has the top portion untucked at the moment.When and if it is tucked in, the red waist ban is visible. Just my observation though.

  25. Raven Reactor says:

    This, to me, is a great redesign. Its still the classic costume in essence, but they,ve tweeked a few things to make it more realistic and a little bit more gritty.

    The ink that looks like its running is great! It looks to me like there going for a more realistic style of spider-man, in keeping with the modern comicbook movie trend ala Dark Knight and Ironman.

    Honistly, this is such a great shot. THis IS Peter Parker, this is the character with the weight of the world pulling on his heart. Black ink poring out of his heart, what a subtle but delightful HINT at what will eventually happen to the character… ie the birth of VENOM.

    Looking forward.

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