Early Shots of Green Lantern Merch

Posted by on 02. 01. 2011in News Chat

Images of the Green Lantern movie’s Toys have appeared online, offering another glance at those controversial costumes.
The 4 inch Hal Jordan figure comes with a replica power ring in a limited edition with a run of 2814 numbered pieces (limit 1 per person) exclusively at Toys R Us. It can be preordered here.

I’m not a huge fan of that particular figure.. the way the light travels across his chest, it just looks sloppy to me and makes him look like a Poison Ivy henchman.
Now heres a pair of shots of the Tomar-Re figurine. I quite like his new design, it takes some considerable skill to take his original design and make it something that will resonate with the average moviegoer. If done correctly, I can see him being a highlight of the film. Im expecting him to be wise and compassionate, and to hopefully have some little quirks to really make him stand out. What do you guys think?

Via GeekTyrant

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3 Responses to “Early Shots of Green Lantern Merch”

  1. knossis says:

    I’m really hoping for the best but nothing seen so far really stands out in anyway. From the trailer to the toys, everything just looks hurried, like not much thought was given to anything. I had high expectations for the movie, not so much anymore. This may be the summer were a slew of Superhero movies don’t do so well.

    • 420BAND says:

      I feel ya, That milisecond clip of Cap made me a little uneasy.

      and this flick is reeking already. That action figure looks horrible. and from the scale they at least they seem to be 6 inches, the only thing I can give this look credit for. those 3 inchers fall apart too easy.

      ( I got a 5 yr old)

      The only positive thing to come from this movie so far is that Scarlett is single again! ( A man can dream. no?)

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