Damon Wants To Be Bourne Again

Never Say Never Again. Matt Damon has apparently done an about face regarding the “Bourne” franchise. There was a short time ago where Damon wasn’t interested. That was then. This is now. Or is it?

Worst Previews gives us this:

“I read online [that] they are doing another Jason Bourne movie with Tony Gilroy (Michael Clayton) directing that I’m not in,” Damon told Empire magazine. “No one told me, literally nobody called me. People think I have inside information, but you can get a sense of where I am in the pecking order.

Damon added that the Ludlum estate owns the rights, and Bourne 4 could set up shop at another studio, and “Universal can read it online”. But that’s where the bad blood ends. He still wants to take a rest from the character and come back later on.

So, he’s mad that he found out about the 4th film being planned without him. Nobody told him. That strikes me as a bit odd, because if he were told and said yes, we would have this film like yesterday. He wants to reprise the role. Oh wait-just not right now.

I think Damon is a great actor. I also think he is just an actor. This is going to be a tough line to walk. If you say you want to take a break from a franchise and the studio wants to continue, they don’t have to tell you jack squat. It doesn’t concern you. If it did, they’d write your part in. In fact, that’s all you have to say. They WILL re-write the script to have Bourne in it. They aren’t that dull.
And everyone is happy.

Chime in, Int’l friends. Should Damon come back as Bourne in ‘4’? Should the studio ‘let him know’ that he’s not in the film when he didn’t want to be in it?

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