Colin Farrell replaced by Robert Pattinson for Cronenberg film

Colin Farrell has got a lot of projects going on, it is not surprising that one film would slip away from him. The surprise is that director David Cronenberg replaced him with ‘Twilight’ heartthrob Robert Patterson. Deadline gives us:

Pattinson will star in Cosmopolis, the Don DeLillo novel adaptation that David Cronenberg wrote and will direct. Pattinson will play Eric Packer. A financial wunderkind, Packer risks his entire fortune to bet against the yen on a tumultuous day. His deed puts him in the crosshairs for assassination. Marion Cotillard and Paul Giamatti are also reportedly doing the film, but those same reports had Colin Farrell poised to take the lead role.

This news does not raise any red flag with me. My concern isn’t that Pattinson isn’t a good actor. I think he is. But I want to crystal clear on this. He took the part because he wants to work with Cronenberg and he likes the Delillo movel. Cronenberg put him onboard. That’s good enough for me. Besides that, I think it is a great move on the actor’s prt to move away a bit from ‘Twilight’. Most of the film net community despise all things (most things) connected to the Twilight films. That trickles down to the actors. So one question is can we take him seriously?

Then there’s that other hurdle. His own “fangbase” (sorry, I couldn’t resist)- yes, they may throw roses at his feet and start another fan club, but will they support any role he does outside of ‘Twilight’? Where did Pattinson’s previous non-Twilight film go? Did well, did well, did it? No, it didn’t. That’s my only conern at this point. Hopefully, my fears are unjustified and Pattinson isn’t too typecast yet or Cronenberg (one of my favorite directors too) will help the actor break from that mold, with all due respect to his fanbase.

But what do you think? Think that this film project just got more or less interesting now that Pattinson is in it?

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

2 thoughts on “Colin Farrell replaced by Robert Pattinson for Cronenberg film

  1. It’s unfair to suggest because his last movie wasn’t a huge hit, that he’s going no where else. I’m not even a fan of his or Twilight, and I think that’s silly. Even Johnny Depp has plenty of stinkers, and has had some movies that have fared poorly in the box office post-Pirates.

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