Captain America In Empire

Posted by Ian Fayon 31. 01. 2011in News Chat

Chris Evans is on the cover of this months Empire magazine, offering yet another glimpse at the costume as well as offering a few insights into this summers flick.
From Screen Crave
Feige on setting up the world for Captain America:

“Scripts had been developed that took place half in World War Two, half in the modern day and none of those scripts were particularly successful because the costume ended up overshadowing the man,” says Marvel chief Kevin Feige. “So we finally said, ‘If we could make a Captain America movie any way we wanted to make it, how would we make it?’ Well, we’d set the entire movie in the past, in that period, with all of the Marvel trimmings. And so we made the fun, kick-ass Captain America movie we wanted to.”

Here’s what director Joe Johnston had to say about the tone:

“I’ve always loved Raiders and the tone that it had,” says director Joe Johnston. “It was period but didn’t feel like it was made in the period. It felt like a modern-day film about the period, which is what we’re doing on Captain America. It will not feel like a war movie. It’s funny where it needs to be and emotional where it needs to be and serious and full of action.”

And finally, the Captain’s portrayer Chris Evans put in his two cents about playing the hero:

And he’s not just an American hero, argues Evans. “I think he’s the ideal human,” says Evans. “Not just American. It’s what being a good person is. Steve’s managed to overcome all the shortcomings he’s had in life and he does what’s good and what he believes is right.”

Sounds good to me. It doesn’t need to be overly serious in tone, because then it would lose its charm and appeal. I don’t know about the ideal human comment however, sounds a bit Aryan Race-y for an Allied soldier haha. But what do I know.
What are your thoughts, moviebloggers?

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Ian Fay who has written 58 posts on The Movie Blog

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12 Responses to “Captain America In Empire”

  1. 420BAND says:

    Trailer’s gotta come this week no?

    Superbowl and all

    Bring on Cap and Buckey!

  2. Knossis says:

    Yeah, I think we get a 30 second teaser trailer at beginning of super bowl. And Ian, when he said perfect human, I think he meant physically and morally or spiritually, however you want to phrase it.

  3. kingl says:

    Anyone know of any other trailers that are supposed to tease during the Superbowl?

  4. Roderick says:

    i’m a bit picky in saying, that the Sheild Cap has back then… but maybe they’ll show that shield at some point in the movie.

  5. Geno says:

    Boy’s ready to bring the hurt!

  6. Peter says:

    “I think he’s the ideal human,”

    I believe what he meant to say was, that Captain America will represent universal values, not just stubborn patriotism. So audiences all over the globe can relate to it.

    • Roman says:

      People tend to forget that Captain America was created as a political machine but develops his own sense of justice. The marvel civil war started because he refused to just blindly follow his government. He stands for what is right reguardless.
      I am so pumped for this, he is hands down my favorite comic hero but I never believed he could be translated to film because he is kinda hokey but the more i see the more i believe.

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