Back to the Future - Marty’s Mom is a Slut

Posted by Rodneyon 13. 01. 2011in News Chat

This is a great exchange about how Back to the Future is really a mess of social controversy that we just didn’t seem to notice while enjoying the films.

Check it out:

So funny. And so true. It kind of makes my brain hurt to imagine just how messed up it would be to be Marty knowing his parents the way he now would understand them.

Still love the movies. Even if Loraine is a slut.


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Rodney who has written 8633 posts on The Movie Blog

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5 Responses to “Back to the Future - Marty’s Mom is a Slut”

  1. Dirk Anger says:

    Great movie which is now a classic by any stretch of the word. I always thought Marty’s mom was really hot in her younger years & you just gotta love a woman like that who goes after what she wants, minus all the reverse Oedipal stuff.

  2. 420BAND says:


    Marty wasn’t the sharpest knive in the drawer anyways.

    Lea Thompson always did it for me in those days man.

    even in Howard the Duck (correction: Especially)

  3. Luchismo says:

    Seriously, Lea Thompson in Howard the Duck=must have!

  4. Art says:


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