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August 22, 2010

X-Men: First Class Details Revealed

— Posted by Francisco

We all know how Matthew Vaughn’s X-Men: First Class cast is shaping up to be pretty good. What we don’t know much about is about the film’s plot and setting. Is it a reboot? Is it a prequel? Here’s producer, Bryan Singer, answering some of those questions and rumors.

IGN reports:

Singer spoke with AICN about the film, seeking to clarify what exactly is being done with everyone’s favorite band of merry mutants. First off, the film is set in the 1960s. JFK is the president, the Civil Rights movement is in full swing, and “there is a spirit of a hopeful future that was prevalent in that time.” Charles Xavier and the man who will become Magneto — Erik Lehnsherr — meet and dream of a future where man and mutant can live together in peace. And we all know how that works out…

Some bullet points follow on the ton of info that Singer has revealed:

* The two leads will be in their late twenties.

* Xavier will not be in his wheelchair, but we will learn how he gets there.

* He’ll also still have hair.

* Xavier and Magneto will create the X-Men together.

* This is not based on the comic book called First Class but rather is “a new beginning” for the series.

* Director Matthew Vaughn is “technologically inspired” by the James Bond tech of the ’60s.

* The costumes will be more “comic bookish” than in previous films.

* Neither Cyclops nor Marvel Girl will show up, but Cyke’s brother Havoc will.

* Kevin Bacon will play Sebastian Shaw and, yes, the Hellfire Club will figure into the mix.

* Filming begins with Xavier at Oxford University.

* The movie will have a much more international feel than previous installments. (The shoot will take place in England and the U.S.) Other locations will include Russia (though they won’t actually film there).

* There are other characters in the film who have not been revealed yet.

I have no problem with all of the details discussed above. The cast is shaping up to be potentially great. The story details, we kind of had an idea, but it’s awesome to have some of them confirmed. I’m really looking forward to watching the relationship between Xavier and Magneto, back when it started. I don’t have a PhD on X-Men, so I have no idea how Xavier ended up being bald and in a wheelchair. I also don’t know how their friendship came to be, and later on came to end. So I’m definitely looking forward to this one. Specially since, it’s gonna be set in the past.

You ok with all these confirmed details? What are you most looking forward to be developed into the film?

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18 thoughts on “X-Men: First Class Details Revealed

  1. This movie dosent seam to make since, they sould have left off from X Men Orgins: Wolverine where Professor X rescuse the mutants at the end ,pluss why is it set in the 60′s then Wolverine took place 15 years before X Men 1

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