Whedon “This Close” to Directing The Avengers

What started out as rumour on April Fool’s Day was confirmed as true. Joss Whedon was on the shortlist to direct The Avengers.

Then later it was confirmed that Joss was in talks, or being considered. That much was true - no April Fools gag there.

Now today we find out that he isn’t just being considered, but insiders are reporting that its pretty much a done deal and we are just waiting for the ink to dry on the dotted line!

EW’s Popwatch reports:

Friends, Romans, Countrygeeks, lend me your ears! Deadline brings us news that Joss Whedon is this close to directing the upcoming Avengers adaptation, the mega-sequel-spinoff that will bring together Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and more Marvel superheroes.

I for one think that Whedon is a fantastic pic. He knows his Marvel comics (having written one of the best X-Men story arcs in the last decade) and despite his rough TV track record all of his shows show a strong point in balancing big casts and playing to their strengths.
Its perfect for Whedon.

I hope this does come to pass and Whedon is in. This will be the icing on the cake for me as a fanboy and a movie patron. I have the utmost faith that Whedon could handle this.

  • Lawrence

    I’d like to see Civil War be adapted into the screen..that would be ridiculously epic.

  • TheLibrarian

    I’ve never been more excited about a Director getting a movie than I am now! Yay!

  • cloud7_20

    I don’t understand what writing a good comic book has to do with anything. Davif Goyer is a good writer that directed Blade Trinity. The Invisable and Unborn weren’t much better.

    • http://www.thestub.ca Rodney

      Because David Goyer is not a good director. While Serenity is Joss’ only feature film, he has directed countless tv episodes of his shows.

      Goyer is a fine writer, but not a great director.

      • cloud720

        I disagree with you on firefly. I am not a fan of any of his work, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Outside of Buffy, it doesn’t seem like this guy has had much success, so I don’t know how many people actually do like his work.

      • http://www.thestub.ca Rodney

        Dr Horrible set new standards for independent developed webcontent, Buffy was canceled after 7 seasons and still sees success as a popular comic book series, and Angel was 5 seasons. Dollhouse saw two seasons.

        Firefly was not successful at creating rabidly loyal fans, and they did give it a chance with a feature film. That speaks to his success that he has connected with his fans on a deeper level.

        No one is saying you have to love his stuff. All entertainment is subjective, but to suggest that Buffy was his only success is just not accurate, even if you dont like what he has done.

      • cloud720

        Ok so Buffy and it’s spinoff.

        2 seasons is hardly a success.

        I am glad that he was able to please the few fans, but with this type of money, pleasing a few isnt going to cut it.

        I’ve seen some great youtube videos, but that doesnt mean I would suggest any of these people get a movie deal.

      • http://www.thestub.ca Rodney

        Still you are imposing your own personal views of his success by your own personal tastes for his product.

        Two seasons is relative success when you have shows that get canceled after 3 episodes. It at least got that far. Shows with no success get canceled in or before their first season.

        Still he has rabid fans, and they are not “a few”, but he is still the right guy for this job even if you dont like anything he has done so far.

      • bigsampson

        sure rodney…cept for i can make a list of tv writers and producers who suck too but have “made” it in hollywood. we are talking about the avengers…not some 2 bit corny tv side project. Dr. sing a long was complety made upon internet fandom.