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August 23, 2010

Weekend Boxoffice Report August 20th-22nd

— Posted by Rodney

As predicted, The Expendables still holds strong to the top spot but I was surprised that Vampires Suck even hit the top 5. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, as I have lost faith in the viewing audience anyways. Shame on you viewing audience.

Boxoffice Mojo has the estimates.

The Expendables - $16,500,000 - 2wks
Vampires Suck - $12,200,000 - Opening
Eat Pray Love - $12,000,000 - 2wks
Lottery Ticket - $11,125,000 - Opening
The Other Guys - $10,100,000 - 3wks

Vampires Suck appears to have edged out Eat Pray Love, and while that uber chick flick barely registered on my radar, I would sooner see more films than that in the boxoffice lead than the recent trend of Spoof films. I haven’t seen it yet, but the trailer was full of dead horse beating gags and one clever line. Maybe its better than the rest. I don’t know yet.

But this is just the estimates and there is a really really tiny margin that Vampires Suck has over the number 2 spot. Maybe it won’t keep it once the final numbers are in.

Sadly Scott Pilgrim got pushed all the way down to the number 10 spot behind Inception’s sixth week showing in the top 10.

Other notable openers this weekend were Piraha 3D peeking just outside the top 5 with its number 6 spot, beating out Nanny McPhee Returns (which will probably do better on DVD anyways)

What did you see this weekend?

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10 thoughts on “Weekend Boxoffice Report August 20th-22nd

    • Scott Pilgrim was by far the most fun fun I’ve had at the movies this year. They did a terrible job promoting it on television, and most people have no clue what the movie really is.

  1. Disaster movie, epic movie, meet the spartans, anything those guys do is something I avoid like a hooker with AIDS. Piranha 3D was some of the most fun I’ve had at the movies in a really long time. My only problem was the enormous amount of dumbass parents bringing 5-6 year old kids to this movie! I wanted to beat them to near death. Other than that…3-D boobs and blood made my night.

  2. Judging something you haven’t seen….lm kinda reminded of a certain someones stand against video games being art.

    You maybe right and the movie may su[ll skip the pun]….but shouldnt a person who others rely actually see a movie before speaking for or against it?

    • He provided his thoughts concerning what he’d seen from the trailers and what from anyone can garner about spoof films from watching any single one…namely that for the most part they are all the same, inane trash. I think it’s a reasonable assertion to make. You don’t have to see every Scary Movie or Meet the Spartans to know what you will be getting…

    • Reviews, boxoffice, word of mouth. Experience. These are all things we do when anticipating a movie. This determines which films you are going to go see.

      I did not pass judgement on the movie, nor did I condemn it. I mentioned the track record of these unclever spoof films (and this certainly is in that genre) but I also speculated that with such a turnout is my faith in stupidity in masses justified? Or is it worth seeing?

      Not all spoof movies are bad, just seems that the current trend of them dont even bother to be clever. So my anticipation on this one was low.

      Lots of people went to see Meet the Spartans too.

  3. Okay, so I went in to see Vampires Suck expecting to be fairly bored and to think most of it was stupid. What I experienced was a spoof movie that was so funny, I was laughing almost the whole way through. And I’m somebody who actually likes the Twilight books and movies (except for the Eclipse movie, which was a total bore). I know spoof movies are basically a bane on the movie world, but I would put this one up there with the first Scary Movie and pretty close to being as funny as Airplane and Spaceballs. I think that if people gave this movie more of a chance, they’d definitely appreciate the humor of it and let’s face it: in this economy, when everybody is stressed out about money and jobs, it’s pretty nice to just sit back and enjoy a brainless comedy for an hour and a half.

  4. I was lightly pumped to see Pirhana 3-D, but as this past weekend came about, I decided to put in the DVD of the original Corman/Joe Dante film instead. In essense, save seven to ten dollars.

    That’s how its been most of my summer of despair. Very few bright spots.

    • Go see it.
      One problem (probably slight) with the 3D movies is that people like me (frugal=cheap) is that I just saw Piranha 3d but I bought a ticket to Vampires Suck that started about the same time. I went into Piranha with my previously bought gasses from another 3D movie. I just don’t care to pay more than $10 on a matinee movie. This is wrong and done in mass numbers would skews the box-office. It hurts the type of movies that I love, fun, cheese horror.
      I will be seeing it again with a friend and may or may not buy the proper ticket.
      What’s worse. Buying a cheaper ticket or not going to the movies at all?

      All that being said, it was a great deal of fun.

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